Anti-vaxxers don't want you to read this. **Links are required for all claims**

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Can't say much, my posts get removed.
It happens when the majority is for dictatorship and as I said, who am I to decide what goes and what not here.
It's not my forum, so everything against the current gets obscured.
It's much more fun to play the victim after all. Carry on.
I see the Nutters are out in force in London.

I wonder who from here, will be there?

Care to tell us how many missed appointments/treatments for treatable illnesses there currently are?'
More and more and more as hospitals get more and more and more filled up with more and more and more Covid-19 patients.

But then I guess you don't care if a relative of yours dies of cancer!
But then I guess you don't care if a relative of yours dies of Covid-19 because theyve believed your lethal nonsense about vaccines and the virus itself. Or doesnt die but does become one of the people preventing hospitals from delivering their normal services.
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Where have I said that I've 'decided that Covid isn't dangerous to anyone'?
There are hundreds, literally hundreds, of posts here where you have denied the existence of the virus.

Nine (so far), in this thread alone.

Hope you remember that next time you protest about criticism of your lack of truthfulness.
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Some false claims have been deleted.
Be careful not to or you'll be barred from the thread.
Give links, dates etc if you make a claim.

No more of "sheeple" or "rabid" or other silly insults.
**Links are required for all claims** from here on.
About R$*%%)O$:{ time.
Yes, thats what they do.

No, the seriously gullible are the gullible idiots who believe the lies about the BBC being involved in a conspiracy related to Covid-19 and the vaccines against it.
and i guess they were not involved in hiding pedophilia within their highly paid ranks
What is standard is you entering a thread and 99% of the time adding absolutely nothing to it,but just finding someone else’s comment and then trolling them.
How you havnt been banned by the mods yet is beyond me.
You claim to be a builder :sneaky: and yet I would love to see how much help etc you have provided to people with diy(building) questions.
Wouldn’t it be good if the mods kicked off the people who join a diy site and then give none or very minimal help to the people seeking help.
Perhaps have a percentage marker for posts and if your percentage of posts for diy questions/answers fall below a certain point then you are removed..
Mind you it’s very worrying how you once had to ask what I do for a job so I would stay away from the diy answers if I were you.
Anyway back to the thread in hand.
Since when has the BBC been reliable enough for factual info.
Yourselves and others say YouTube is not reliable and yet all the links for stories from MSM can be found on YouTube.
When the agenda suits I suppose.
"If you think like us, you can write whatever you want, otherwise your posts get removed and you get banned".

In this case I agree with whatever anyone says...
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