Trophy hunters

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
As far as I'm concerned they're scum. They're no more 'hunters' than I'm a secret service operative. I also don't care if the animals they're 'hunting' have been bred specifically for this 'sport', it's still disgusting.

I'd love to see these 'hunters' go up against the animals without their high powered rifles ...

Of course, people that hunt for genuine reasons (e.g. to feed themselves and their families) are a different thing altogether.

Trophy hunter kills Botswana's biggest 'tusker' elephant - sparking fury from country's ex-president | Daily Mail Online
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'I've killed one of the last remaining <insert endangered species here> on the planet, OH YEAH!!!'

What sad pathetic individuals they are.
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I saw lots of American hunters in Johannesburg airport, all dressed in cammo gear, probably still living with their moms, I gave them a nasty glare, that showed em.
all dressed in cammo gear.

Homosexuals have hijacked many words & symbolisms over the years & yet their holy grail still remains elusive.

All it would take is for a single gay pride march to shun the rainbow & wear nowt' but camouflage field gear to totally destroy the 'masculine' sport of hunting almost overnight !
Utter scum

they should be put in a lion enclosure with out their weapons - let’s see how brave they are.

I thought liberal types like you were against capital punishment...and against any other sort of punishment.

But seriously I hate cruelty to animals and cannot wait for the day when one of these "hunters" is ripped to shreds by lions.
We work indirectly for a person

(lady) who is a trophy hunter she go’s all over the world bumping off animals

big house

she has a water buffaloes head and a moose head mounted in her kitchen

various other trophies mounted around the house ? One is a an ibox ??? I think

all very creepy IMO
Some bloke I know who has a mate whose uncles' brother sleeps with his motorbike and keeps engine parts in his kitchen. Creepy indeed.

Some bloke I know has a mate that sleeps with a pic of Angela Merkel above his bed:eek:

yes exactly

very creepy indeed
Yes. All those recently murdered children should have upped sticks and gave the bird to their murderous parents, innit. :rolleyes:
That is a good point but humans who murder children can be punished.
Killing animals for entertainment isn't punished.
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