Return to sender ...

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
... do you think Royal Mail actually do? Or do you reckon they're just shredded?
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If it has a return address on the rear of the envelope, I believe they have a duty to try to return it to the stated address.
I sincerely hope so - the amount of rubbish I used to get from Anglian Water that I'd return not known at this address.
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I sincerely hope so - the amount of rubbish I used to get from Anglian Water that I'd return not known at this address.
What you need to do is save up all the unsolicited mail and then put it all in one of the pre paid envelopes they give you, and post it. Very therapeutic.
What you need to do is save up all the unsolicited mail and then put it all in one of the pre paid envelopes they give you, and post it. Very therapeutic.
Doing it in one lump will only cost them a single postage charge.
Do it individually and they have to pay much more postage.
It might just make someone in accounts sit up and take notice how much their mistakes are costing them.
Doing it in one lump will only cost them a single postage charge.
Do it individually and they have to pay much more postage.
It might just make someone in accounts sit up and take notice how much their mistakes are costing them.
Ah, no, you make it too thick so there's insufficient postage, then they have to pay a surcharge.
You can also get a roll of Special Delivery stickers from the PO then it'll cost them pounds per envelope :mrgreen:.
What you need to do is save up all the unsolicited mail and then put it all in one of the pre paid envelopes they give you, and post it. Very therapeutic.

I do that! Put one company's junk mail in another's pre-paid envelope and stick it back in the post box. I'm happy to go out of my way to do this.

There was a company bothering me with lots of junk letters, I don't know how they got my details.
After asking them officially to remove me from their database I kept on receiving their junk.
So I filled a box with rubble, attached their return envelope to the box and dumped it at the post office.
Must've been over 25kg.
A couple of weeks later the junk mail stopped.
They must've worked out it was me...
The previous occupiers of my house seemed to like the printed company prospectus and financial reports for companies I assume he had invested in, delivered by mail. They are slowly tailing off now, but I have enough to fill a wheelie bin.
They do return it. But some senders are persistent. I think banks hide bad debts using these letters and would not stop.

I use printed labels and glue them on and put it in the post box. Sometimes you get them back if you don't completely cover the address window. Some senders instruct not to cover the address window so that they could auto process it. This should be ignored to give them extra work.
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