£1600 per month basic income

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It's a very small research study, only 30 people. And only minimum wage.
As you say...'Thirty people will be paid a lump sum without conditions each month for two years and will be observed to understand the effects on their lives.'
Two places in England have been selected for the micro pilot scheme: central Jarrow, in north-east England, and East Finchley, in north London.
Similar pilots are already under way in other countries. In Wales, the devolved government is running a scheme paying a £1,600 a month for two years to young people leaving care. It says it will report on the outcome after the trial finishes.
A control group will be recruited and not paid the basic income to monitor their experiences during the same period. Participants will be randomly selected from a pool of volunteers, with 20% of places allocated to people with disabilities.


It's also been trialled in Finland - officially the happiest place to live; so, maybe they're on to something. Hard to see it getting any traction in the UK, though. The DM will start a campaign to get rid of it; the DE will moan about scroungers. How will it work for people earning minimum wage in an Amazon sweatshop?
It's also been trialled in Finland - officially the happiest place to live; so, maybe they're on to something. Hard to see it getting any traction in the UK, though. The DM will start a campaign to get rid of it; the DE will moan about scroungers. How will it work for people earning minimum wage in an Amazon sweatshop?
They ended it. It was quita a bit less money - enough to have very different effects.
There have been over 100 schemes worldwide.
They made a big noise about it when I was in Alaska , but it was only one or two thousand per year.
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Excuse the math if it's wrong - but:
So if that is done on a larger scale, lets say for 1 million people, that will be 1.6 billion £ a month.
That's 19.2 Billion£ a year.

For say 50 million people out of the 65 million we have in the country
That will be 960 billion £ a year.

IMHO It will never happen, could not happen, should not happen.

20 brand new hospitals would be far cheaper!
Excuse the math if it's wrong - but:
So if that is done on a larger scale, lets say for 1 million people, that will be 1.6 billion £ a month.
That's 19.2 Billion£ a year.

For say 50 million people out of the 65 million we have in the country
That will be 960 billion £ a year.

IMHO It will never happen, could not happen, should not happen.

20 brand new hospitals would be far cheaper!
It's often graded by age, but everyone of working age, so , I dunno whatthe demographics is but 10's of millions.

There wouldn't be any extra immigrants, would there?
Not if you don't want to. I guess that is the kind of thing the experiment will look at.
In Finland they found it made little difference because the level was so low, though that was higher than most.
It did help people wanting to start a new business though.

Several of The US states tried schemes. One where the amount was "more significant" - I can't remember the figure, it did reduce the number of people seeking work. NSS! It didn't last long.

edit - found the article I read a year or two ago:
It doesn't answer any of the hard questions, does it!
No, but then again it is only a small study on 30 people. They might say they don't have any answers yet as they haven't started the study. Who knows...
Unless I'm mis-reading, the article doesn't appear clear on this. It states:

Everyone gets it, regardless of how much they earn.

However the article refers frequently to the benefits system, so maybe the intention would be not 'everyone' qualifies if something like this was ever rolled out. If anything like this ever comes to fruition, there will be winners and losers as always, and if you're just over the line to qualify, it'll be a bitter pill to swallow knowing someone with a few pounds less than you (just below the line) gets the £1600 but you don't.

I'm not sure if it's related to this trial, however I read something a year or so back about future ways in which humankind will receive money for not working as AI/tech takes on more and more jobs that are currently serviced by humans. In short, there will be no expectation for a certain portion of society to work or seek work, with a societal acceptance they do however need an income to survive.
I have been banging on about this for years.
I was born in 1960.
I clearly recall , when I was about ten years old, general talk at home, school and TV (Tomorrow’s World for example) was that increasing technology, automation and labour saving devices would decrease the need for work, allowing us all to benefit from greater free time.

To a point, this has come to pass. But the assumption was that tge free time would not be associated with little or no income. The benefits of this technology has largely benefitted the wealthy and super rich.
Before everystarts saying tgat those rich technologists have earns their fortune - consider that it would have been impossible without the efforts of the previously employed, but now redundant workforce.
Isn't this what they do in Norway or Finland?
Yeah I thought I’d read about that too.

My take on it was, it’s got to be for the unemployed ? You can’t give it to somebody already on 35k

If everyone was entitled to this amount half the population wouldn’t want to work.
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