The Purge

That must be awful. Imagine, you have just moved into your new house, and come Saturday afternoon, thousands of chanting people descend on the area, causing you to become alarmed. You then realise there is is this great big building with a large grass bit inside less than half a mile from your house which is the destination for all these people . Where did it come from? How dare they build it near your house just as you move in! I would be up in arms if they built something like that near me without telling me. On the other hand, it may have already been there, and people moved there BECAUSE it is there.
Yes, it would be awful, even moreso when you realise you have to put with inconsiderate excessive noise, violence, parking, etc every other week for about 8 months of the year, and you have no interest in football.
Unlike those who choose to live in Nottinghill. It's a world famous community carnival that happens each year for about 3 days in August.
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A bit of trouble is a scuffle outside the pub at closing. Ethnics skewering each other would be viewed by most right thinking people as extreme violence, but it's become so expected as part of their culture and normalised that you appear to think it's now trivial.
We are all ethnics.
Or is this an attempt to use a racial profile to indicate immigrants?

Import third worlders, get third world levels of savagery.
Yep, the indigenous racists attack the immigrants, and exploit everry opportunity to practise their bigotry.
Yes, it would be awful, even moreso when you realise you have to put with inconsiderate excessive noise, violence, parking, etc every other week for about 8 months of the year, and you have no interest in football.
Unlike those who choose to live in Nottinghill. It's a world famous community carnival that happens each year for about 3 days in August.
So you move into a property without doing any checks or searches?
the wrongdoings of white, indigenous people are anything like as serious or dangerous. Football fans?? Not even in the same league. :ROFLMAO:
Of course not, there's white savagery and there's other kinds of savagery. :rolleyes:
Like starving millions of indigenous people in India. Or killing people in concentration camps.
Yes, there's a difference.
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Way I see it based on them pics of some fruit cake openly brandishing a machete in a threatening manner

They Should be shot on sight by armed response plod the same criteria applied as if it was a terrorist attack
Shooting a thug in a crowded street carnival. Do you want to think about that a bit more?
I did another post addressing said issue ;)
If they're away from the public, then they are unlikely to be need shooting, and can be arrested. It is rare police shoot people in the UK. When it happens, (one kid was shot and killed on the A63 some years ago after threatening with a sword), but they aren't a threat to the public. Well not enough to need shooting.

This isn't the US.
If they're away from the public, then they are unlikely to be need shooting, and can be arrested. It is rare police shoot people in the UK. When it happens, (one kid was shot and killed on the A63 some years ago after threatening with a sword), but they aren't a threat to the public. Well not enough to need shooting.

This isn't the US.

It would send a clear message though...

Not that I condone lethal violence, either be said thugs or the police.
Snipers on roof tops around London ect are probably a common occurrence in particular when there is some important official event taking place ???

Notting hill carnival we’re bye some one has a machete or zombi knife or other weapon

If poss take the shot imo

Head shot preferable ???
Snipers on roof tops around London ect are probably a common occurrence in particular when there is some important official event taking place ???

Notting hill carnival we’re bye some one has a machete or zombi knife or other weapon

If poss take the shot imo

Head shot preferable ???

I'm at an important event in London next Friday.
I might be carrying a laptop bag.
Possibly even a double sausage and egg mcmuffin.
Will I be OK? :eek:
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