Refugees without ID documentation

That’s rich coming from a Tory.
Define Tory?
member of the conservative party - nope
campaigner for the conservative party - nope
support of the ideals and goals of the Conservative Party - nope
voter of conservative candidate based on him/her being the least useless of the bunch - guilty.
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Yes and I certainly would not be #opentowork if I was employed. What kind of message does that send? #lookingtoleave #hatemyjob etc.
Nothing prevent a person presenting their agenda and opinion in such committees.

Charity set up to lobby..
Most solicitors, lawyers, builders, yacht skippers, etc are open to work. it doesn't mean they're unemployed. :rolleyes:

it's not a chairty set up to lobby government. You're misrepresenting information again.
Why didn't you post their activities:
JCWI continues to maintain a leading place as an independent national organisation advocating for fairness and equality in immigration, nationalisation and aslyum law and policy in the UK. It undertakes policy work, advice and casework, training, and publication work to fulfil its objectives in the interest of marginalised migrants and refugees in the community.
They're obviously well versed and well experienced in such matters.
But I don't suppose they would have the audacity to suggest they know more about sailing. That's not in their specialist arena. :rolleyes:
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Define Tory?
member of the conservative party - nope
campaigner for the conservative party - nope
support of the ideals and goals of the Conservative Party - nope
voter of conservative candidate based on him/her being the least useless of the bunch - guilty.
Definition of blind Tory voter?
ardent supporter of their most cruel policies -Yep
promoter of their infamous practices - Yep
defender of the inhuman results of their dog-whistle politics - Yep
voter of anything with a blue rosette - guilty.
So we are all agreed that part of their role is to advocate and lobby on behalf of those who have come to the UK illegally either to seek work or claim asylum etc. Can we therefore accept that they would be opposed to any strategy that aims to:

- put a stop to illegal migration into the UK by removing the incentive to make dangerous small boat crossings
- speed up the removal of those with no right to be here - in turn this will free up capacity so that the UK can better support those in genuine need of asylum through safe and legal routes
- prevent people who come to the UK through illegal and dangerous journeys from misusing modern slavery safeguards to block their removal

There is nothing cruel about a policy designed to break illegal immigration trafficking so that precious tax payers resources are not spent funding gangs and can actually be diverted to those who really do need our help.
When someone is fleeing their country, thay can't apply for a passport. They can't apply for an exit visa nor permission to leave (and many countries do require such permission)
So the refugees escape without appropriate documentation.
When the right-wingers argue that refugees intentionally dispose of their documentation it's an argument designed to suit the circumstances.
Not an accurate or true explanation for why the asylum seekers are undocumented.

it's a criminal offence to dispose of such documentation, or to withhold such information, and has been since 2003.
Rightly said
Most solicitors, lawyers, builders, yacht skippers, etc are open to work. it doesn't mean they're unemployed. :rolleyes:
If you put #opentowork and set it to public and you end date your last employment - yes it means you are looking for employment. If your last role say - present, then you are still employed.
So we are all agreed that part of their role is to advocate and lobby on behalf of those who have come to the UK illegally either to seek work or claim asylum etc. Can we therefore accept that they would be opposed to any strategy that aims to:

- put a stop to illegal migration into the UK by removing the incentive to make dangerous small boat crossings
- speed up the removal of those with no right to be here - in turn this will free up capacity so that the UK can better support those in genuine need of asylum through safe and legal routes
- prevent people who come to the UK through illegal and dangerous journeys from misusing modern slavery safeguards to block their removal

There is nothing cruel about a policy designed to break illegal immigration trafficking so that precious tax payers resources are not spent funding gangs and can actually be diverted to those who really do need our help.
You're doing it again: misrepresentation! "
advocate and lobby on behalf of those who have come to the UK illegally
Do you never stop? :rolleyes:

Advice and lobbying play an important part of the formation of govermnment policy, and other organisations' practices, etc.
Should it be restricted to far right groups? I assume you would agree with that. :rolleyes:

The government could stop the boat ccrossings at a stroke, but that's not what they want to do. They prefer to drive the small boat crossings into ever more dangerous routes. Maybe when the routes have become so dangerous and risky that any attempted crossings results in a tragedy, the Tories will be pleased with themselves.

As Lucy Moreton explained in the video, the potential asylum seekers have no knowledge of government policies, so policies are not deterrents.

There is something highly immoral about forcing asylum seekers to use people smugglers because that's the only route available. That's precious tax payers money funding crime. Tax payers money should be used to help those in genuine need.
If you put #opentowork and set it to public and you end date your last employment - yes it means you are looking for employment. If your last role say - present, then you are still employed.
Solictitors, lawyers, yacht skippers, builders, etc do not advertise their start and end dates on their current projects. :rolleyes:
Charities spending their money wisely tend to employ people on a "as and when" basis, not on a permanent basis. :rolleyes:
Define Tory?
member of the conservative party - nope
campaigner for the conservative party - nope
support of the ideals and goals of the Conservative Party - nope
voter of conservative candidate based on him/her being the least useless of the bunch - guilty.
You defend Tory blame game phoney policies used to distract from the real issues
You support the ideal and goals of the Tory party: Brexit, Rwanda etc
You never criticise the Tory party for its shameless vested interests
You read the Telgraph which is nothing more than a propaganda outlet for the Tories

I bet you will be voting Tory in the next GE despite them being the worst of the bunch
There is nothing cruel about a policy designed to break illegal immigration trafficking so that precious tax payers resources are not spent funding gangs and can actually be diverted to those who really do need our help

And we are back to blaming asylum seekers for 13 years of Tories cutting public services.
I've said several times, I was very much on the fence regarding Brexit and slightly more persuaded by leave than remain. I've done pretty well out of it as it happens.
I don't support the Rwanda plan, I have said it would have been simpler to remote process them.
I frequently criticise the Tories for grasping defeat from the jaws of victory, the constant in-fighting and back stabbing, but I can see that the alternative is worse.
I don't read newsapers.

I live in a strong tory seat.
so that the UK can better support those in genuine need of asylum through safe and legal routes
People arriving by small boats mostly come from: Syria, Eritrea, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen.

they are in genuine need of asylum

But you are applauding the Tories illegal migration act which takes away their ability to apply

”safe and legal routes”
1) do people from Syria, Eritrea, Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq have access to safe and legal routes?

2) do you think people from those countries aren’t genuine asylum seekers?
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