The heat pump trial

I am trying to work out the general principle, here. They say a modern gas fired power station is 60% efficient. Does that mean 1kWh of gas produces 0.6kWh of electricity? And then, with a COP of 3, the heat pump would turn that 0.6kWh of electricity into 1.8kWh of heat. Whereas a modern gas boiler might be 85% efficient, so 1kWh of gas produces 0.85kWh of useful heat. Is this roughly correct?
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Probably been mentioned before, but is there merit in having a dedicated "Green / Eco" subforum on DIYNot?

Certainly a big enough field in its own right, to merit one.
Has anyone mentioned the noise these things make with a giant fan running 24/7 in a metal box facing your neighbour. Now imagine a whole street full all back gardens facing each other left right and behind. Vibrations from the unit ? / a terraced house row of units transferring through the house manifesting themselves as a harmonic frequency triggering migraines white noise - unable to sleep.
Just spit - balling but who knows.
It won't be any different to air conditioners in hotter climates. It hasn't killed them all off yet.
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You've forgotten where the link is, haven't you?
Alzheimer's is a terrible thing.
Get it checked out.

Do you get them echos in your head at night
Followed by the illusions of parrots ?

Are you a heavy drinker ? Or do you take some other substance that may effect your mental well being ?

Agreed Alzheimer’s is a horrible thing and you should not made light of it ?

Have you walked to the toilet and when you got there you forgot why. You are there ???
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