Advice on mobile phone access to internet?

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
I have a Nokia E61 which I would like to use to access the internet. It will do this to a degree but it is not very effective or quick.

Also and the worst, I have a Sony Ericsson which has previously been used on Vodafone which I would like to use with "3" for internet access.

This one is unlocked so that it will work as a phone on "3" and will show email very well and even checks for new mail every 15 mins but it will not access the internet at all as some settings are apparently wrong.

Its possible that the phone is still somehow rather locked to Vodaphone although it will work to some extent on "3" ?

Can anyone suggest any forums where they have specialist expertise on these problems?

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Phone up 3 and ask them to send the 3G internet settings settings to your phone. If they won't or are too dumb to do it ask again here and I will find them out for you and how to program them into your phone.

It won't be locked to Vodafone if it is unlocked, whats probably happened is that it is programmed to use the Vodafone GSM network for internet and/or (most likely or) the Vodafone APN to access the internet.

3 should be able to reconfigure it by sending a message to your phone to tell it to change the settings, but if they can't you can do it by hand.
Some settings have already been sent to the phone automatically by "3" but they have not done the trick!

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Are you on contract or pay as you go? If you are on contract, give that thing Bret gave you a try first which is supposed to send the settings to your phone. If it doesn't work and you are on contract, you can input those settings Bret provided by following the instructions here, except don't input the actual settings from that page, input the ones Bret gave you instead, it just shows you how to go through the menus and where to put them. Ignore stuff about settings which you don't have, i.e. proxy.
Let us know how it goes, it wouldn't do for you to leave this thread without any internet on your phone :)

If you need me to write up a step by step I can do once I know if your on contract or PAYG.
Concentrating on the Sony Erickson W715 !

To recap this works fine on email. Pity about the aweful keyboard though.

When trying to access the internet it says unable to access the web try checking settings.

Now this makes me feel stupid but I cannot find anywhere where i can change the internet settings.

As I said before this phone has been used on Vodafone previously. Could the internet setting facility have been supressed somehow?

Concentrating on the Sony Erickson W715 !


I don't know for sure if the internet has been supressed somehow, it would be possible to make a phone that way, same way it would be possible to make a phone which sings the national anthem on national holidays, but I've never heard of either of those things happening, I'd lay money against it happening on betfair!

You never did say if you were on contract or PAYG, since you said the internet is working for e-mail I'm going to assume contract. I'm also going to assume you edited a vodafone WAP profile rather than making a new one. If any of this is wrong fill me in.

I'm going to guess the problem is you have left the proxy fields filled in.

Here are instructions for the Sony phone, usng Vofafone settings for a reference..

What you want to do is go to proxy settings and delete them. This is often done by setting them to nothing, but there may be some sort of clear option there. Make sure proxy address, port, user name and password are all set to nothing or otherwise deleted then try again.
Thanks for that!

I have printed it off but unfortunately it does not get me very far!

I go to settings but there is no "connectivity" tab listed.

The nearest I can get is in "updates" where I can select all the mobile service providers and of course select "3".

It still connects to the internet showing "connecting using mobile network" and then goes to the error message "connection failure, check settings!"

Any more ideas?

I need more information, the settings berry gave you, access point name, etc, where did you put them into the phone, what menus did you go through or have you not put them into the Sony?
As I said above, I have not been able to enter any settings because I dont get "connectivity" in any menu!

As I said above, I have not been able to enter any settings because I dont get "connectivity" in any menu!


Try phoning sony erricson technical support, without looking at the phone, if it's not behaving like other models I'm not sure what to suggest.

Update: A lot of phone makers have contracts with networks which forbid helping with unlocking, so don't tell them your phone is unlocked, tell them you bought it from car phone warehouse on the 3 network but the Internet doesn't work and the shop people told you that you had to ask Sony as the phone isn't broken.

Update 2: But only if they ask if it's unlocked! The question should just be you can't find where to put the internet settings in.
Does anybody know if part of the locking process is to remove access to the conectivity settings?

Even that does not seem right to me because the phone was used for Vodafone before and those instructions sent to me above are for setting the connectivity for Vodafone use.

I have now tried a master reset but that has not restored the connectivity menu.

Interestingly under updates there is a further choice of contract WAP or contract internet. I have selected internet but whats the difference?

Most settings on that list seemed to suggest wap ???

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