Internet access speeds?

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
I have had no BT line since November until this week.

To keep some access I got a T-Mobile USB dongle and mostly use that with IE. It gives speeds of about 450/450 kbs when its on G3 but about 32kbs when on GPRS.

Pictures within web sites accessed through the G3 are displayed with very low definition. Is that something which is intentially done by G3 in order to save their bandwidth?

The landline broadband used through AOL has virtually no access speed at all. It used to show 4-8 Mbs but still apparently worked very slowly.

As far as I can tell the slow speed is nopthing to do with the new cable recently fitted for the last 35m. The BT engineer did mention that we are a long way from the exchange though.

Can anyone suggest what I can do about the very slow access speed?

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Just wait for BT to upgrade their network at others expense. The £6 a year tax the government are introducing for all people with a landline phone will ensure that BT have enough money to spend on optic fibre internet for all.
Before anyone replies saying that £6 a year aint much, Just let me point out that , once BT have this fibre optic network in place, I doubt whether the government will stop taxing people for landline phones. I already pay VM for my phone and broadband.
Why should I pay more for another company to upgrade their serioulsy flawed BB system ?????
Its not a BT network fault.

The speed test site shows other people living nearby who have quite reasonable speeds. Its something to do with my own connection or modem etc.

Its obviously not connected with the computer as speeds are normal with the broadband RF dongle.

Any ideas?

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I had a similar problem with one of the computers on my home network. Turned out to be a dodgy network cable. Renewed it and bingo,,,, fast as a speeding slug on steroids again. :D :D :D