Troubles with mobile emails

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
My BP monitor bluetooths its log to my Iphone, I then (normally) email them to myself on my laptop, using the 'mail' app on the iPhone - so I can then forward them to my GP, my consultant.

Normally, it all works smoothly, sending from 'mail' using gmail, that is until yesterday. Mail appearing to send, but not received on my laptop using Outlook and my Plusnet account. Tried several more times - nothing. Then I spotted that gmail was complaining it couldn't connect to the gmail server, so I deleted 'mail', restored it and setup MS outlook as the mail server, tried another send and still nothing received on the laptop.

Then I noticed my Iphone, rather than being connected to my wifi, was connected to Plusnet's mobile internet. I reconnected to my home wifi, tried to send again and it worked fine on the Outlook account.

Does Plusnet mobile (actually EE mobile) not support sending and receiving email via an Iphone? Whilst away in the caravan, using my laptop, connected to my phone as an hotspot on Plusnet, everything works just fine, including email using Outlook 2019, through any email server.
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I use Gmail on my Android with Plusnet Mobile frequently, and it works fine most of the time. I do find Plusnet's coverage intermittent, with drops in service even though it shows as connected. If I switch to airplane mode, wait a minute, then switch back it usually starts working again.
I use Gmail on my Android with Plusnet Mobile frequently, and it works fine most of the time. I do find Plusnet's coverage intermittent, with drops in service even though it shows as connected. If I switch to airplane mode, wait a minute, then switch back it usually starts working again.

Maybe that's it, we only have a 50% signal here anyway, fine for phone calls.
Are you using Gmail app. Outlook app.
Or are you using browser?

Emails sit marked queued until sent and will go when you get signal or WiFi connection.
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Try the apps for the respective email accounts
I have a PAYG phone, and generally keep data turned off.
It is really intriguing when and where I can get a data connection, when I do turn it on.
There is one particular carpark where I get a strong mobile signal, but no data - if I park the car further down, the phone flips to another cell, with poorer reception, but allows me data!