RJ 45 Plugs

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Got a Cat 6 patch lead with a dodgy plug, so got a new plug which me and IT apprentice son are trying to fit.

It's a pass through plug, but the wires just won't go through the holes.

I suspect the kit I got has plugs suited to a thinner guage of wire.

They say they are suited to Cat 5 and Cat 6. But they can't be right for both?

Anyone got a link to some that will fit Cat 6? Think it's 23 AWG, from memory.

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OK. Number 2 son put a new plug on the Cat 6 patch lead. The reason was the lead stopped working, so we disconnected it and used an ethernet cable tester.

It showed a break between the number 6 pins.

So he put a new plug on (the old one was squashed and the cable strained), but it still showed a break on 6.

I suspect a mousey may have had a meal of PVC under the floor......
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a break on 6.

To get it up and running for now at 100 meg, transpose the browns where the greens normally go, at both ends. i.e. use the following, incorrect colour scheme...

1 white-orange
2 orange
3 white-brown
4 blue
5 white-blue
6 brown
7 white-green
8 green

Changed the plug at the other end, but still a break.

Will do as you suggest, Gaz.

Thank you.

Can you explain what all the conductors do, please?

I guess there's a pair for Gig?
what all the conductors do, please?

With a 100 meg connection, the browns and the blues do nothing. It's just the orange and green pair that do transmit and receive. Blue pair would normally be used for analogue phones using a Line Jack Adapter in offices/etc, so I just naturally use the brown pair as the only real spare pair.

With a Gigabit connection, all four pairs can do simultaneous transmit or receive, or any combination thereof. e.g. three pairs downloading, whilst one pair uploads, or two of each direction, etc. They only operate at 250meg, but seeing as all four can operate in the same direction, 250 * 4 = 1000meg, AKA 1gig.
That's incredible!

So with the green pair US (wired as per the B standard), you get nothing?
you get nothing?
Correct. And gigabit won't 'just use the other three pairs', it'll fail to negotiate a connection at all in the first place, because it uses the green and orange pair first, to make it backwards compatible.
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