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    Can anyone I.D. this old diff

    I know its old but dont know how old or what vehicle it fits Images to follow
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    WHO Petition

    Every signature helps
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    CBDC is it for you.

    Are you happy with this proposal?
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    Defense Minister talks about Conscription

    Rather than your kids or grandkids having to fight the Russians would it not be better to give more stuff to the Ukrainians? Discus
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    Defence Minister discusses Conscription

    Rather than your kids or grandkids having to fight the Russians would it not be better to give more stuff to the Ukrainians? Discus
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    Tata to Britains Steel Industry

    So instead of producing strong steel in the UK we will have to import strong steel from Chinese/Indian coal fired strong steel production plants. So thats the same amount of coal used, probably dirtier coal than if we used UK coal, and the carbon foot print of shipping it into the UK What a...
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    Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

    Apologies if already discussed
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    Caused by windy weather?

    I saw this in Lancashire a couple of days ago.
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    In House emails

    I think I am correct in saying that my gmail emails are stored in the gmail server Is there an email that stores the emails you receive on your Hard Drive. Thanks in advance.
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    The "Look away now" joke book

    I was thumbing through some technical guide books this morning checking to see if I had stashed the odd ten ppund not between the pages and saw that I had written the above words inside the back page Has anyone got a copy?
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    Asking for a friend

    A friend of my wife wants stick some individual old tiles on top of her existing tiles Can any one suggest which adhesive and what procedure she could follow. Thanks in advance.
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    Off Grid Electrics Problem?

    I am having a problem at an Off Grid job in Lancashire, which comprises of an array of PV panels, three batteries an inverter, and an backup generator which does not fire up automatically but currently has to be switched on manually. I did not realize this park home was totally off grid when I...
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    Why did your Member of parliament not this important event.

    For those with a short concentration span please try to listen for the first 45 seconds of this 11 minute video
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    Pfizer price increase

    Pfizer vacine goes up from just under $40 to just under $140 So maybe we, the UK, will be better only buying Astra Zenica, always assuring production can meet demand. The above is based on 3 day old info
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    Pictures from Andriod to Winfows 10

    Wife has been successfully uploading pictures from Samsung Galaxy S10+ to Windows 10 PC for months. Recently it stopped uploading (please see following pictures) I deleted previous update which worked for a few days, unfortunately its no longer working. Any suggestion gratefully received.
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    Spin off from the "Another Shooting".thread.

    Having read some of the contributions to the thread mentioned in the title I am caused to wonder what the anti firearms ownership people think about having a "cashless society" foisted upon us.
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    Richard Tice on Talk TV Chatting with an interesting bloke

    Talk TV is on freeeview channel 237 Richard Tice is talking to a Scientist who holds an alternative view regarding CO2 and its effect on the temperature of the Earth we live on.
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    264 file

    I have four Reilink 4k cameras, running through a Relink NVR A day or so ago a rather unpleasant bit of #hit was mouthing off outside a house a couple of doors up from me. I have managed to transfer the data onto a new USB stick but its in 264 file. Can anyone suggest an app which will enable...
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    Ukraine's Eurovision entry for 2023 (turn your sound on)

    For those who have not heard this its a very catchy tune