a very public apology



pbody would just like to say what a pr*t he is for mucking up wotan's word game.
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pbody be truly guilty of incurring the wrath of wordsmith wotan, but i can't apologise on his behalf. he knows he done wrong

he'll have to swing..
pbody be truly guilty of incurring the wrath of wordsmith wotan, but i can't apologise on his behalf. he knows he done wrong

he'll have to swing..
I am indeed honoured that you think the game was my creation, but that honour goes to Conny, he devised the game and set the rules, it's unfortunate that certain disruptive individual's deem it necessary to bend the rules and cheat.

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maybe conny should be a mod, on the game, and oust the miscreants?
Been absent, (sort of), for a few days so methinks I should investigate.
pbody would just like to say what a pr*t he is for mucking up wotan's word game.

Any particular page reference as I can see nothing untoward which hasn't been dealt with. :confused:

Oh, and Welcome to KirbyTom and Truddie. :LOL:

I've been looking at £4-3s-4½d.
No wonder I couldn't find it if its in the guineas table. :eek:
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