air crash air bags...?

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There is a lot of conflicting advice over this, isnt there!
I now agree and disagree with so many points Im confused.
To a lame dude like me, Ive considered this....
Airbags in planes are good.
Airbags in planes are bad.
So, airbags in planes are both good and bad. Personally, Id get on any plane anytime. Well, not some of the Nigerion ones out of Lagos. Most though. Well, not Ghanian ones too.
Thats my position. (well, my position is still trying to get the initiation video with a buxom blonde). Thats was on a topic with some bmx bandit trying not to fall off. Why am I thinking about this stuff anyway? I came here by mistake and saw a dude on a bike. When blonds (buxom ones too) I was hooked. Is this why this site was in the broadsheet I ask myself?
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external airbags now thats a good idea, better still get rid of all the metalwork fill the airbag with helium and voila you have an airship
To make an air crash more survivable, why don't they install the seats facing towards the rear of the aircraft?
The inertia of a crash would force passengers back into their seats rather than be projected forward.
Seats and floor fixings, would probably need to be strengthened.

the plane would have to take off backwards or you'd fall out your seat :LOL: may need a conveyor start to do that
the plane would have to take off backwards or you'd fall out your seat :LOL: may need a conveyor start to do that
Jolking apart that is a serious consideration, lap strap only would not surfice, doubt if single diagonal would be much better either. :cry: :confused:

mind you with the allocated space in economy you wouldnt fall very far
The best way to survive an air crash is not to be on the feckin thing in the first place.
The best way to survive an air crash is not to be on the feckin thing in the first place.

jump out just before impact. :)
Aah, but your speed would be the combined speed of the falling aeroplane and your jumping speed. (Hmm, might have worded that a bit better, it might start a new thread) had the conveyor belt inside the aeroplane??? :evil:
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