Alex Salmon



Should Alex Salmon have been allowed to appear on the leadership debates? or is he too partisan (obviously) and are pure Scottish issues relevant in a vote to decide Britain's UK?
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Bad enough listening to the ****e being spouted by the three that took part, without adding to it. :LOL:
Ah Alex Salmon, my number two hate after the slimy toad Mandelson.

Him and his Scottish mates have there own parliament, time they were stopped from voting in Westminster. All they ever did was blackmail brown into giving Scotland vast amounts of money in return for there votes.

if we get a hung parliment, they will extort as much as they can out of whoever is in government. This man has no morals or principles, all he's intersted i nis extracting money from english taxpayers. He live sin this fantasy world where he thinks scotland can be independant, whilst ignoring the fact that the english prop him up to the tune of £1000 per scotman, and he imagines hes going to get vast amounts of oil revenue, whereas the truth is the oil revenue is winding down, and the kitty will be empty by 2020.

A vile, blackmailing little delusionist.
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It beats me why just 5 million Scots need their own parliament. London has 9 million so should that have its own parliament too?