Channel 4's Dispatches : Are Conservatives Racist?

15 Nov 2005
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"In June ex-Tory chairwoman Sayeeda Warsi welcomed Conservative leadership contenders pledging to hold an internal inquiry into Islamophobia in the party, but said it was shame they had to be dragged “kicking and screaming”.

Miqdaad Versi, a spokesperson for the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), last month revealed he had documented “hundreds of cases” showing Islamophobia in Tory ranks.

The MCB has submitted more than 20 pages of evidence to the Equality and Human Rights Commission, urging independent investigators to launch an official probe into accusations within the party."

"More than half of Conservative members questioned for a new poll believe Islam is a threat to British life.

YouGov was commissioned by Channel 4's Dispatches programme to carry out a survey among the members who will decide whether Jeremy Hunt or Boris Johnson becomes the next Tory leader.

Of the 892 members questioned, 56% said Islam threatened British values."

Some 56 per cent of members surveyed said Islam was “generally a threat” to the British way of life, while just 22 per cent thought it was “generally compatible”. It comes as the party struggles to shake off accusations it has failed to deal with Islamophobia.

On the question of Mr Trump’s leadership, 54 per cent said they believed he would make a good prime minister of the UK, with 43 per cent saying he would be bad.

The survey, commissioned for Channel 4’s Dispatches, also found that 42 per cent thought having people from a wide variety of racial and cultural backgrounds has damaged British society.

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