Another dodgy Tory MP using tax payers cash for campaigning

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

It's another Tory obviously.

Claims that Pensions Minister Paul Maynard broke parliamentary rules by using taxpayer money to fund Conservative Party work and campaigning are to be assessed by a watchdog.

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa), which oversees MPs' expenses, told the BBC it would refer the claims to its compliance officer.
Mr Maynard said he believed he had the proper agreements in place.
But he told the Sunday Times he would abide by any Ipsa findings.
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Meaning, if he's found out, he'll pay it back.

The Brinks-Mat guys should have tried that one.

"Another dodgy Tory MP using tax payers cash for campaigning"​

I read it that it’s a claim that’s going to be investigated. Perhaps you could contact them and tell them you’ve already found him guilty. Don't forget to produce your evidence - they won’t just accept your bias.

"Another dodgy Tory MP using tax payers cash for campaigning"​

I read it that it’s a claim that’s going to be investigated. Perhaps you could contact them and tell them you’ve already found him guilty. Don't forget to produce your evidence - they won’t just accept your bias.
Poor Mottie, defending Tories to the death
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Poor biased Notch, finding someone guilty on the basis of which political party they belong to.

So mottie defending Tory Mps because you are innocent until proven guilty but can't wait to have a policy where your bank account is being routinely checked because you have to continually prove your innocence so you are in a state of being guilty but have to prove your innocence.
but can't wait to have a policy where your bank account is being routinely checked because you have to continually prove your innocence so you are in a state of being guilty but have to prove your innocence.
Too many words. Nothing has changed. You are innocent until proven guilty. If they check your bank and find no problems, you’re still innocent. If they check your bank and find something dodgy that you can’t explain, you’re guilty. It's not hard to understand. All you have to do is tell them where any unexplained money that has gone into your account has come from. Do you ever have any unexplained large amounts of cash going into your account that you can’t explain?
Too many words. Nothing has changed. You are innocent until proven guilty. If they check your bank and find no problems, you’re still innocent. If they check your bank and find something dodgy that you can’t explain, you’re guilty. It's not hard to understand. All you have to do is tell them where any unexplained money that has gone into your account has come from. Do you ever have any unexplained large amounts of cash going into your account that you can’t explain?
Banks already carry out anti-money laundering controls.
At this rate we'll need to explain why we are putiing money in, or taking it out, to several different inquisitors.
Too many words. Nothing has changed. You are innocent until proven guilty. If they check your bank and find no problems, you’re still innocent. If they check your bank and find something dodgy that you can’t explain, you’re guilty. It's not hard to understand. All you have to do is tell them where any unexplained money that has gone into your account has come from. Do you ever have any unexplained large amounts of cash going into your account that you can’t explain?

Why are MP's exempt then?

What is dodgy?

Guilty of what?

Everything has changed - before they had to have suspicion or an investigation had to be started or a request made for your data, now there is no suspicion they will be cheking what you are doing and sending it to the Government.

So list your data here then. Nothng to hide brigade.
Like it won't be passed.

As to well it's those people on pensions, well soon it will include everyone because hey we need to check on you.

This is what happens when you cannot grow the economy - the Government will just pick a group and go after them to appease the baying mob.
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