Another MP stabbed - Sir David Amess in Leigh-on-Sea

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17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
In critical condition. Has been operated on at the scene, being treated, with helicopter ready... Doesn't sound good.
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I hope he survives and my best wishes to him - but, he is a part of a long line of governments that have taken power away from the police, the courts and the prisons and so allowed crime to increase exponentially.

Who would be an MP, policeman or prison warder now?
I hope he survives and my best wishes to him - but, he is a part of a long line of governments that have taken power away from the police, the courts and the prisons and so allowed crime to increase exponentially.

Who would be an MP, policeman or prison warder now?

MPs police and Prison warldons...

Maybe a few more MPs and the rich being attacked might make some waves.

I suppose the natural thing would be to blame this on the Left....

The government need to grab hold of the lawless state we are becoming.
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suppose the natural thing would be to blame this on the Left....

No, more likely to blame is online hatred and terrorism. People get brainwashed online and then act, it's anonymous individuals that are to blame, could be left, could be far right, or just a nutjob that had been led to believe he was evil.
We take a lot of things for granted in the UK, one of them being open access to our MPs. Some MPs already coming out saying that shouldn't change, as it's one of many things that makes the UK what it is. Whilst I agree, some changes might need to be considered.
People get stabbed all the time in Britain and no one cares because the victims aren't considered important, once a high profile member of society gets it, all of a sudden its the the end of civilisation.
A few more stabbed; The powers that be and their opposition may do something about it...
It’s a wicked world we are living in. Terribly sad. :(
Terrible for his family...

And quite rightly condemnation from MP's and others...

But whilst there is wall to wall coverage of this death, I am puzzled why there is no similar outcry over this...

"Deaths are what can be counted most easily – bodies can’t be hidden from the statisticians or denied by those responsible for the figures. It was predictable, and predicted, that many more would die when the government of David Cameron, George Osborne and Nick Clegg applied a brutal tourniquet to public spending in 2010. Warnings at the time were shrugged off as shroud-waving and scaremongering.

But new research from University of York’s renowned Centre For Health Economics only confirms the inevitable consequence: an extra 57,550 people in England died in the five years from 2010, a level of deaths beyond the statistically normal. Life expectancy improvement slowed, which was directly “attributable to spending constraints in the healthcare and social care sectors”

And of course the following five years will show the same if not worse...

Ian Duncan Smith was one of the first to comment on this murder, and yet remains silent on his role in being one of the architects of the misery for tens of thousands of ordinary families having to deal with death because of party policy...

A wicked world indeed!
I don't like people who make decisions, that affect us all, from the inside of a secure 'ring of steel'. I also don't like people who use violence against other people who they disagree with.

You should look up the very definition of the word "violence", because some of you are stabbing each other on a daily basis.

If you can understand & comprehend that, then look up the very definition of the word "hypocrite".
Of course he was targeted, there would have been several people the knifeman had to pass to get to him & I don't hear of anyone else being stabbed, do you?

What an absolutely STUPID question.
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