Any Mobile Geeks Out There?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I am stumped!

I'm trying to get two 3 SIMs to work in an unlocked handset.

It is a Galaxy Ace and definitely unlocked.

Typing *#SIMLOCK# into the KP brings up a setting of "OFF" on all the locks on the handset.

Network Lock [OFF]

Network Subset Lock [OFF]

SP Lock [OFF]

CP Lock [OFF]

So why won't the SIMs work?

Putting the SIMs in another Samsung handset that is similarly unlocked with the same settings produces SIMs that are free to make and receive calls.

Any ideas anybody?

Thanks guys!!
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Thanks Diane. I thought the same, because some new handsets for sale on ebay say they will not operate on 3's network.

However, I have tried both these SIM's in another Samsung that is unlocked and they both work. Plus, I have a 3 SIM in my phone, which is an unlocked Samsung Mega I bought from Amazon, not 3.

I am very puzzled. Even 3 don't understand what's going on!
3 Sims will work in any unlocked device.

3 Support are feckless.

Please forgive the question but the sim cards you're using are Standard size? The SG Ace takes a Standard sized sim card. Micro sims will fit into a standard sized slot but they will not work in the slot.

If the Sims are the correct size and are working in an alternative device then the problem points toward the SG Ace obviously.

First of all, have you tried any other sim cards in the device? Do any work?

Second option is to turn off the device, pull off the back cover and remove the battery. Leave the battery out for about 2 minutes, reinsert, fix back panel back on and reboot the device and retry the Sim cards.

Next, have you checked the APN (Access Point Names), settings are correct? The APN settings can be checked/changed by: tapping the menu button, (the menu button is located to the left of the physical Home button, the Home button is located at the bottom of the screen on the front of the device). Tapping the Menu key will bring up the 6 panel option at the bottom of the screen. Next click Settings, then Wireless and Network, scroll to bottom of screen and tap on Mobile Networks, then tap on Access Point Names, make sure 3 is selected if not, select it.

If that doesn't resolve the issue, there may be a problem with the device firmware interfering with activation of the Sims to the network. Have you tried updating the device firmware at all? You won't lose anything by updating but do back-up/sync your contacts to Google first just to be sure. To check for and/or update the device firmware, turn on the phone, make sure you have Wifi switched on and that the device is communicating with the router (there should be a Wifi icon at the top of the screen). Now tap the Menu button. Tap on Settings. Now scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen and tap on About Phone. The very first option in the next screen will be Software Update. Tap that and then tap Update - Check for updates to see if there's an update. If there is, download and apply it, retry the Sims following the update.

If no resolution at that juncture I'm somewhat at a loss as to what may be wrong however we may need to check off the APN settings, they're not always correctly set by the device. I don't get on here much these days but I'll try and look back to see how you get on.
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3 Sims will work in any unlocked device.

I completely concur. My Three SIM works perfectly in my unlocked Nexus 5.

Edit: I should, perhaps, mention that my SIM is PAYG. I don't know whether that has any bearing.

3 Support are feckless.

I completely disagree! I have found Three support to be excellent. I have had to ask their advice on at least two occasions and, although it appeared to be an Indian call centre, the customer support staff proved to be not only very helpful but also very well informed. They also spoke clear and understandable English (which may, apparently, don't), and even called me back later (unsolicited) to check that everything was OK.

I strongly advise you to give them a call, SS. What do you have to lose?
Yeah, sadly, JBR, I have called 3. They are of the opinion that, if the SIM's do not work in another handset, then they are faulty and should be replaced.

I can't understand why the 3 SIM should fail to work in an unlocked phone. But it is a nano SIM in an adapter, if that has any bearing on the matter.

The Ace works fine with other SIMs: O2, Voda, Tesco, Virgin.

The first three are PAYG, the last is a contract SIM-only.

I will try your suggestions, Blas, thank you.
I strongly advise you to give them a call, SS. What do you have to lose?
One assumed the line...
Even 3 don't understand what's going on!
suggested 3 may already have been consulted/involved in this at some point.

My sincere apologies. I didn't notice that line.

Sorry, SS, I have no idea what's happening. I know you've tried two; are Three willing to send you another SIM card to try?
Jeez secure , I was under the impression you had a ology in mobile phones and they rang you when they needed advice

Thank you kindly sir, for you faith in my knowledge, but it has tested me severely! ;)


It's not the SIM's: as I said, they work in another unlocked Samsung handset.

Plus, I have got hold of another 3 SIM and that doesn't work in the Ace either.

Blas, you are right. It's deffo an Ace issue, not a 3 one.

I have to get to the bottom of this! It's driving me nuts!

I have done as you advised and set up the handset for 3. I also discovered the handset was not registered with 3, so set that up, but it still would not make or receive...:evil:

I will persevere. The handset was going to be a birthday present tomorrow for No. 2 son, but I have given up that idea and bought another from Amazon. When I get the Ace fixed, I shall set it up for boy No 3....
Have you checked the APN settings and if so, what are they? They should be as follows:

Name – 3
Proxy - not set/leave blank
Port - not set/leave blank
Username - not set/leave blank
Password - not set/leave blank
Server - not set/leave blank
MMS Port - 8799
MCC - 234
MNC - 20
Authentication type - not set/leave blank
APN type - default,supl,mms

Further, although not related to a 3 sim, this still makes for interesting reading here:

My son has an Ace, never had any problems with it. It's on Giffgaff.
I considered going on GiffGaff before 3. Actually got the SIM's, but could not get them connected....
I was going to go with GiffGaff too, but I found that the Three PAYG (3-2-1) was cheaper for a low-user like me. Of course, the good thing about an unlocked phone is that you can change ad lib.

Interestingly, I have just had an unexpected phone call from Three. I had contacted them some time ago about problems I was having with their account monitoring app. They were unable to resolve the problem earlier, but promised to keep liaising with their technical department. They still couldn't sort it today, but said they would continue to pursue the matter even though I told them it is not really that important (there are other means of finding the information). That's dedication!
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