Arab captives tortured in Israeli hospitals

The irony :giggle: From noseall
Zero irony there boyo. Just read some of the posts from the RWR idiots. Conspiracy claptrap and denial. Usually brexiteer voters, Trump fans and Wail readers. Yes boyo, says it all.
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I only recently discovered that most of the demolitions carried out by Israel are on properties that do not have planning permission, and/or are built on land to which the builders have no legal ownership
And can Palestinians get planning permission?

Or is this an argument like saying asylum seekers should come by legal routes to get here….ignoring the fact no,such routes exist.
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And can Palestinians get planning permission?

Or is this an argument like saying asylum seekers should come by legal routes to get here….ignoring the fact no,such routes exist.

Like I said earlier, I'm in agreement on the West Bank, I think the Israelis should hand the lot back with Jerusalem remaining as an international area.
The West Bank situation is hugely complicated though. Read the full wiki entry, it's an eye opener and I thought I knew a bit about it. I'm actually quite stunned the Arabs would have even signed up to this in the Oslo Accords. It's certainly something that needs looking at.

Area C (full Israeli civil and security control): initially, circa 72–74% (first phase, 1995).[7][11] Under the 1998 Wye River Memorandum, Israel would further withdraw from some additional 13% from Area C to Area B, which officially reduced Area C to circa 61% of the West Bank.[12][13] Israel, however, withdrew from only 2%,[10] and during Operation Defensive Shield, it reoccupied all territory. As of 2013, Area C formally comprised about 63% of the West Bank, including settlements, outposts and declared "state land".[2] Including or excluding annexed East Jerusalem, no-man's land and the Palestinian part of the Dead Sea also determines the percentage. John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State under the Obama administration, stated that Area C "is effectively restricted for any Palestinian development, and that few building permits had been granted to Palestinian residents of the area.[14]

All Israeli settlements (except those in East Jerusalem, which was annexed to Israel) are located in Area C.[10][2] Oslo II, Article XII, for example, states: "For the purpose of this Agreement, 'the Settlements' means, in the West Bank the settlements in Area C; and in the Gaza Strip [which were later evacuated during the disengagement] ..."[6]

Settler population by year in the Israeli-occupied territories from 1972 to 2007
In 1972, there were 1,000 Israeli settlers living in what is now Area C. By 1993, their population had increased to 110,000.[15] Over 400,000 Jewish settlers live in Area C in Israeli settlements and outposts.[16] Approximately 300,000 Palestinians live there as well; who reside in more than 500 households areas located partially or fully in Area C.
I've always made my feelings on settlements clear.
And still you support the mad idea of eradicating Hamas in Gaza despite all evidence pointing to the contrary...still, baby steps an' all that. You'll get there.
ah well, one step sideways then two backwards. You shouldn't drink so early in the morning. It's clearly affecting your judgement.
Blair; Be*it; Bibi....your track record suggests a long standing problem.
And still you support the mad idea of eradicating Hamas in Gaza despite all evidence pointing to the contrary...still, baby steps an' all that. You'll get there.
Hamas will never be eradicated in Gaza.
There are 1000's of young Palestinians who will be susceptible to indoctrination.
Hamas will no doubt be planning for the future once a ceasefire is agreed.
Israel has had over 70 years to defeat the Palestinians and yet they gave suffered the worst terrorist atrocity since the foundation of their state.

Hamas will never be eradicated in Gaza.
There are 1000's of young Palestinians who will be susceptible to indoctrination.
Hamas will no doubt be planning for the future once a ceasefire is agreed.
Israel has had over 70 years to defeat the Palestinians and yet they gave suffered the worst terrorist atrocity since the foundation of their state.
Given the current cycle of violence has no end in sight how is any chance of peace to be found while the Zionists remain in control of Israel?
It's time for the Jewish people to take back control of their country.
the Arabs would have even signed up to this in the Oslo Accords.
ALJ have. Can only give a rough outline. There were Camp David talks going on and no progress. A Norwegian politician started another in secret. This appears to be the original one as referred to as Oslo not Oslo II??? The one Arafat agreed to. As done in secret there is no record of how it was achieved. Odd bits in a couple of books by people who were involved. Videos of progress taken by Norway's security people. Norway man gets the peace award. The Camp David negotiators were not happy about it. Israel's attitude favoured it. Details on land split - can't remember. It established the PA and set Israel responsible for security. Probably hence IDF and the refugee camps. There is a PA army. Details on what they do are scant. One reason for the embargo on Gaza is it no longer had the PA to protect Israel. It's fairly safe to assume that the IDF would have been involved with the refugee camps there.

Oslo II well it suggests there was a I. The Norway man is well known for keeping meticulous records. Process - keep asking each side questions and form proposals on that basis. It seems Israel was "rather" happy with the result. There were indications that the PLO was strapped for cash. It's interesting that HAMAS aren't. Also thanks to Oslo the HAMAS side will have more extreme requirements. Israel well they will want to carry on as they have been. Part of the reason for this is that no agreement has ever been forced by external actors even going way back.

What's relevant though. Settlements eg Benjamin fast tracking a number of late when normally it's a slow process.. Also being proud that he reckons a 2 state solution is now impossible. Guess what similar problems exist in E Jerusalem. Israel have an aim to convert it to a sort of theme park and life for Palestinians has a number of problems.

Some interesting figures
More than 871,000 registered refugees live in the West Bank, around a quarter of whom live in 19 refugee camps. Most of the others live in West Bank towns and villages. Some camps are located next to major towns and others are in rural areas.
What do we hear most about - the camps. Village type things tend to be formed by what were nomadic people. Refugees - well the IDF pops up, In the town I doubt if the PA army really has to do anything.
The unhappy lot are the refugees especially in camps. The others might be described as sympathetic and semi happy. These form part of Filly's happy Palestinians. One of their politicians popped up when a house was demolished and said this must stop. Problem - they have no power at all. Fact is if an election was held HAMAS would probably get in. So don't hold one.

Behind all of this is the occupied territory rules. Clearly broken. Apartheid - obviously.

Blame all of the actors.
there is however, evidence of Israeli torture of Arabs
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