Are we THIS stupid?

pickles said:
Quite right, also Joe you can't call it God because that assumes a sentient being and there is no evidence one exists post big bang never mind before it

Maybe he/she was killed in the explosion ?
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johnny_t said:
pickles said:
Quite right, also Joe you can't call it God because that assumes a sentient being and there is no evidence one exists post big bang never mind before it

Maybe he/she was killed in the explosion ?

Weird isn't it how the older you get, the more you start wanting to believe in god. Cramming for your finals I believe it's called.
Watch BBC2 at 9 p.m. tonight (Thu 26 Jan).

Horizon - Examining Intelligent Design.
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joe-90 said:
Eddie. the fact that we are where we are, chatting in a forum is proof that at some place at some time something happened that gives just two possibilites:

Something created us and everything around us from its own fabric.

Something acted upon nothing and created the known universe.

That fact that we are here is proof that it must be one or the other.

God loves you Eddie.

We are all sparks of the divine flame (not electricians).

We are all God's children.

We can never be lost or forgotten.

We don't know why we are seperated from the Father but we do know that we are on our way home.

Just rejoice and be happy in that fact.

God is love, God is everything.

"Take my hand, I'm a stranger in paradise...."


Well, rather than score (or not as the case may be) totally meanless points, I can only thank you for your words. I sincerely hope my God does love me, and that yours loves you too.
What if you put a cat inside a strong box with a vial of cyanide, and also a small amount of a radioactive substance?
hermes said:
joe-90 said:
"Take my hand, I'm a stranger in paradise...."
Nice one Joe.

You seem to start with the premise that god exists and then work backwards.

It's the only way you can work. You can't work on the premise that God didn't exist as something would then have to act on the nothing to make the something. Whatever that something is, well let's call it God.

notb665 said:
What if you put a cat inside a strong box with a vial of cyanide, and also a small amount of a radioactive substance?
Ask Shroedinger, you may find him in Plumbing. :)
johnny_t said:
pickles said:
Quite right, also Joe you can't call it God because that assumes a sentient being and there is no evidence one exists post big bang never mind before it

Maybe he/she was killed in the explosion ?
This is the single most witty and amusing thing I've ever read on this forum. oilman once got close, but this absolutely caps it.

johnny_t - truly thou art God!
joe-90 said:
If you go back to the very beginning then there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. If there was something then where did that something come from. It must have come from God. If there was nothing, what acted upon the nothing to make it a something? It must be God.

There ya go. I've just proved that God exists and that all things in the Universe come from Him.

Live with it.

But the flaw in that thinking is that our beginning was the total beginning, the universe has been around a very long time and for all we know the life on our tiny insignificant planet may have come from outside our solar system?

If the argument goes beyond that by saying there was nothing before the "big bang" then perhaps there was interaction from parallel universes that created our "big bang"? who knows? The big question is when was the real beginning? how far back do you go before saying that that was the beginning?
Eddie M said:
WoodYouLike said:
I agree Pickles.
So science has an answer: big bang started the univers, what was before is the great unknown (or not yet found out, which is different, like was there no gravity before it was discovered?)

According to the theory, there is no before.
Buty that's where religion comes into the equation by saying if there was nothing before then how could a big bang have occurred? I draw you back to my previous comment that we think of our big bang as the ultimate beginning but how do we know that and the very fact that you don't get something from nothing suggests that it wasn't the beginning but perhaps a perpetual mechanism. now the question is where did this mechanism come from or start from? ;)
joe-90 said:
Eddie. the fact that we are where we are, chatting in a forum is proof that at some place at some time something happened that gives just two possibilites:

Something created us and everything around us from its own fabric.

Something acted upon nothing and created the known universe.

That fact that we are here is proof that it must be one or the other.

God loves you Eddie.

We are all sparks of the divine flame (not electricians).

We are all God's children.

We can never be lost or forgotten.

We don't know why we are seperated from the Father but we do know that we are on our way home.

Just rejoice and be happy in that fact.

God is love, God is everything.

"Take my hand, I'm a stranger in paradise...."

Does your god have a name, Joe? Or believed in by any identifiable group of people?
ban-all-sheds said:
joe-90 said:
Eddie. the fact that we are where we are, chatting in a forum is proof that at some place at some time something happened that gives just two possibilites:

Something created us and everything around us from its own fabric.

Something acted upon nothing and created the known universe.

That fact that we are here is proof that it must be one or the other.

God loves you Eddie.

We are all sparks of the divine flame (not electricians).

We are all God's children.

We can never be lost or forgotten.

We don't know why we are seperated from the Father but we do know that we are on our way home.

Just rejoice and be happy in that fact.

God is love, God is everything.

"Take my hand, I'm a stranger in paradise...."

Does your god have a name, Joe? Or believed in by any identifiable group of people?

I think it's Mandy but I'm not sure.

However, he/it does exist.

If you track back through time to before the big bang. Then if there were genuine nothing then you would have equilibrium; nothing happening and nothing able to happen as there is no prime mover. Therefore, something sentient must have decided at some point to launch the current universe.
It either did so from its own fabric (as it has always and will always exist) or it acted upon the nothing in such a way that it became a something. Either way there had to be a deliberate action to start the ball rolling.

Yes, it is definitely Mandy and every thinking person will agree that he MUST exist.

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