Battery for Ford Fiesta 1.8D - Lug or Post

7 Mar 2004
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United Kingdom
I have a Ford Fiesta diesel 1.8 and the battery needs replacing as it won't hold any decent charge. Unfortunately it has the "square" terminals/lugs as opposed to the more common round terminals and though I have Ford discount, I can't find a Ford dealer which stocks the correct battery so I'm having to look at an alternative.

The Halfords one is about £72 (!) but I've heard about adapters which convert the square terminals to the round ones. Ideally, I could get one of these and buy the round terminal battery from Ford at a much lower cost (up to 60%).

Anyone know about these adapters or a decent place to get batteries from?

If I do have to get a non-Ford battery, any suggestions?
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look up yellow pages and look under motor factors

avoid halfords

for diesel its a heavier battery, so say £50 to 60

with a 3 to 5 year warranty

could also be glow plugs in way out? another possible one but battery probally gone
Kwik fit do a battery that has flat post with an adapter that goes over them to make them round post.
I had a set of the adapters you're looking for but gave them away about a month ago.
You could buy a round post battery and two battery clamps, cut the ends off your existing leads and feed them into the clamps.
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Thanks for the replies.

I hadn't thought of cutting the leads off - that's a decent idea. I'll have a look at it tomorrow in the daytime :)