blood money

20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
is it right to reward dead I.R.A AND LOYALIST TERRORIST, by giving there families £12.000 of tax payers money , between theses two groups 3600 innocent were murderd :confused:
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No it is not, and I can't understand how the idea came about in the first place.

They deserve sfa, all the troubles where of their own making. They got what they deserved for bringing up their children with hate filled heads.

What about all the families in the uk who's loved were killed, including soldiers.

Saw them on the tv last night, screaming at each other they disgust me.

No it is not, and I can't understand how the idea came about in the first place.

They deserve sfa, all the troubles where of their own making. They got what they deserved for bringing up their children with hate filled heads.

What about all the families in the uk who's loved were killed, including soldiers.

Saw them on the tv last night, screaming at each other they disgust me.

Your post says more about your own bigotry than anything sensible about N.I.

Do you really live in the Congo?
its a daft proposal, i dont think it will ever come to anything, which is a pitty cause the rest of report was very well done.

Sinn fein have said they support it, not a suprise considering the majority of their party has been locked up because of IRA activities, they released a statement saying, 'there should be no heirarchy of vitims' and although i can see this is spin, i think there is an element of truth in there.

where i would agree with it is there shouldnt be a heirarcy, i think they shouldnt get any money. you can already get compensation if you were hurt or mentaly scarred or whatever by the troubles, i just dont see the point in this new proposed payouts. i dont think it will serve any positive purpose
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Your post says more about your own bigotry than anything sensible about N.I.

Why am I a bigot, I'm referring to both sides and any other english hating irishman.

Yes, the catholics were persecuted and suffered many injustices, but that is not a excuse to brainwash children into hating the otherside - applies equally to protestants.

Please tell me something sensible about NI.

Do you really live in the Congo?

I used to.
They deserve sfa, all the troubles where of their own making.

nothing to do with gerrymandering, with discrimination in the public service, in education, in housing, and in employment?

you even seem to backtrack on this point yourself when you say, "Yes, the catholics were persecuted and suffered many injustices"

They got what they deserved for bringing up their children with hate filled heads.

you have a pretty idiotic and simplistic view of this conflict, to say that anyone who suffered did so because they were hate spouting loonies is completely asinine. i feel a bit sorry for the people of the congo for having to your presence inflicted on them.
Yet another example of our shi#e government paying dead terrorists families 12k for killing innocent people. You could not make it up
Your post says more about your own bigotry than anything sensible about N.I.

Why am I a bigot, I'm referring to both sides and any other english hating irishman.

Yes, the catholics were persecuted and suffered many injustices, but that is not a excuse to brainwash children into hating the otherside - applies equally to protestants.

Please tell me something sensible about NI.

Do you really live in the Congo?

I used to.
You are a bigot because you are assuming that anyone who comes from Ulster hates the English, but you don't produce any evidence to back up your claim apart from what you see on television.

You say watched them 'screaming at each other on tv' what you saw was the daughter of an elderly couple who were murdered by the I.R.A. shouting at a group of I.R.A. ex convicts, her parents murderer was locked up for life but along came Tony Blair and released them after a couple of years, and now to add insult to injury the same Labour government is going to give her parents murderers a £12,000 bonus for killing them,

The perceived wisdom in Westminister is to blame the natives when the government makes a mistake in Ulster, they all gang up and blame the Unionists .
government is going to give her parents murderers a £12,000 bonus for killing them
That's not true.

Where did you get that idea from?

Or did you just make it up?
Peteftw and vinty I think you both demonstrate the point I was making.

Your hate filled heads have exagerated what I said and now you want to up the anti, because my couple of line response does not explain or take into account every contributory factor.

Carry on with your hatred, carrying on filling your childrens heads with hateful thoughts, carry on killing and maiming each other, with enough hate you could keep it going for another thousand years or even more.

The uk was ruled by the romans for over 500 years and we were their slaves, tortured, murdered, and subjected to any other evil thing imaginable. Hundreds and thousands of people killed (N Irish also) in two world wars caused by german arrogance, and theres the Holocaust. UK and Germany deliberate merciless bombing of civilians.

But to-day in 2009 do the English have an intense hatred of Italians and Germans? The answer is a big NO because it is in the past and none of us are responsible for the sins of our fathers.

It's called moving on, its time NI moved on.
an idiot cannot comprehend an observed insult, he can only respond with abuse.
government is going to give her parents murderers a £12,000 bonus for killing them
That's not true.

Where did you get that idea from?

Or did you just make it up?

the whole point of this argument is that anyone who died in the troubles, their family will receive 12,00 compensation whether they be, terrorists planting a bomb or innocent civilians dying from it. wanna source?

If the Prime Minister accepts the recommendations, it would mean that the family of Thomas Begley, the “Shankill Bomber” who blew himself up while planting a bomb inside a fishmongers in Belfast in 1993, would receive the same amount of money as the families of the nine people he murdered in the attack

educate urself before you get all caught up on headlines and finger wagging.
the whole point of this argument is that anyone who died in the troubles, their family will receive 12,00 compensation whether they be, terrorists planting a bomb or innocent civilians dying from it. wanna source?
But you said "give her parents murderers a £12,000 bonus for killing them" and that isn't true, is it? So you just made it up. You're barmy. :rolleyes:
bollcks. you've got me there john.

after me whinging that you've formed an opion witout getting the facts straight, id misread what you'd said.
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