Boris got played by Merkel - hahah

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Last week when the Brexiteers were cheering Boris has got some concessions from Merkel. He had 30 days to solve the backstop issue and if he failed then the fault of No Deal would fall on him and not the EU.

Well it's clear now he has no solution and even worse he has played his hand in a desperate attempt for Parliament to act to stop him so he can then run a GE campaign along the lines of "the people vs Parliament".

Bojo does not want to be PM when a No Deal happens if he doesnt have a big enough majority.

Let's say he wins a majority or working majority with the Brexit Party - then what? Well if he has a big enough majority he could try exiting the EU and then splashing the cash in an attempt that after 5 years peoples minds may have changed and he could win another term (too many unknowns) or he could simply force through a modified WA that is a soft Brexit and sell it has we honoured the referendum and have left.
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Well its true someone was shaking in their boots but I think you needs glasses it wasn't Boris

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