Buying land from council

Thanks for that Andrew, so just to recap (stolen this thread for long enough!) I should do a £3 land registry search but if that draws a blank fence it off for 12 years/ring our council?
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It's not so much about fencing it off as proving use of for 12 years.
OK, been in for 18 months now so only another 10.5 years to go!

Think I'll get the Mrs. a LR search for xmas!!!
I'm sure somewhere along the line, you have to make your intentions public, like in a local paper, so as anyone who dose'nt agree with your proposal can object
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Many people on our street have "descreetly" taken on extra land at the bottom of their gardens - they've moved their fences a few feet back, onto the wasteland next to the public footpath. We'd do the same, but theres a large inspection chamber behind our fence, for the land drain under our garden. :(
I'm sure somewhere along the line, you have to make your intentions public, like in a local paper, so as anyone who dose'nt agree with your proposal can object
along the line now before you "posess" it , and you have to notify the owner/take steps to find them ..........yet another loophole closed by Nanny State :evil:
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