Catholic top-dog watch

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So some bishop bloke in ireland is going to resign for his part in the over up. Ratzinger, however, blithely carries on in post.

On a related note, the ruling today that may enable some people to have their names taken off the sex-offenders register will no doubt be welcome news for some.

Wonder if Paul Gadd was affected in any way by being taught in a catholic school - it sure makes one wonder what his lyrics "do you want to be in my gang" were really on about. Perhaps we should play this song to welcome Ratzinger into the UK, shortly before he is arrested and put in the Sex offenders register for his complicity in covering up the institutionalised acts.
Top dog in england apologises, a german bishop offers to resign.

This is the start of the end of this bestial institution.
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If only he would write a book about catholic priests bug**ring choirboys, then that would seal the deal ;)

I doubt if it would be made into a film for general release though
Our thoughts and prayers are with you today ratzinger. I'm so sorry that you have lost a real soulmate. Not many left of your ilk from that generation now :cry: :cry:

On a lighter note . The people concerned deserved a promotion, not a rebuke.
Cardinal Renato Martino, former head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said: "To make a mockery of his beliefs and the beliefs of millions of Catholics, not just in Britain but across the world, is very offensive indeed."
What the wise old cardinal has forgotten to mention is how ratzinger has himself made a mockery of the beliefs of millions, whether they are catholics or non-catholics' by being complicit in paedophilic activities (amongst other extreme and right wing views) within the church under his watch.

He allegedly intends to sack bishops and other clergymen concerned. If he had any decency about him, he'd do this and then resign his own position immediately afterwards.
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