Characters have shrunk !

26 Jun 2008
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United Kingdom
The screen characters in Microsoft Internet Explorer (and Hotmail) have suddenly become so small as to be almost invisible and have turned very pale ! Is it something I have done ?? :(

Many thanks in anticipation of any advice/opinions.
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Hi Matilda - thanks for replying. I did what you said but it doesn't seem to work in IE.
In IE, try going View>Text Size>Medium - that's the normal size for viewing.

If that doesn't work, come back to us and we'll see what else to try.
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Goto View Select Text Size as appropriate.

You could also try holding down Ctrl key while using the scroll wheel on your mouse
Alison and Tony - thank you so much ! Back to normal now...
(Didn't know anything about that - wonder how the text size changed as I didn't meddle with it).

Thanks, Matilda ! Your try at helping was appreciated. Keep posting, all the ladies on the forum appear to have disappeared. Might have something to do with male egos having suddenly gone on the rampage...
Boring or what .... :LOL:
I actually use Firefox myself but it's so easy to accidently hit a shortcut to a function and that's probably what you've done on IE and shrunk your characters - I'm forever hitting Ctrl-F in Firefox and getting a search bar up!!! :LOL: :LOL:
Thanks, Francine, for those words. ;)

Alison - I always use shortcuts, because it's quicker. ;)
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