Christianity isn't a religion of Peace - Home Office

Andy's flavour of Christianity?

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I am a man of science, technology and industry

No you are not. You think like a madman.

greatest thing to have happened in our country's history; it is the basis of our civilisation, our peace, wealth and happiness

Did it have an impact on Colonisation and our Empire?

loss of the work ethic

Hard work is the answer. Glad you cracked it and pushed forward another trope from mad right wingers.
Seems strange how some attack some one with christian beliefs

but would remain silent on those who promote there Islamic religion

indeed they would probably label any person who dared to critcise Islam as Islamaphobic and racists :LOL:
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What has that got to do with my opinion on sharia law?
because he was accused of thinking like a madman, and you agreed by saying fruit cake, but he made a good point, that this country is run mostly on laws with christian principles, so I thought you might have a constructive reply after the insult.
Im surprised this hasnt been reported in the media.

Dont tell me, Rochdale is twinned with Riyadh. :ROFLMAO:
Please explain your obsession and how it is relevant to what I wrote.

Please explain how that is relevant to what I wrote.

If only you understood well enough to be able to be pedantic.

With pleasure. Which bit of that would you like explained, precisely?
Seems strange how some attack some one with christian beliefs

but would remain silent on those who promote there Islamic religion

indeed they would probably label any person who dared to critcise Islam as Islamaphobic and racists :LOL:

a lot of uk laws are based on Christian principles
would you like sharia law instead.

because he was accused of thinking like a madman, and you agreed by saying fruit cake, but he made a good point, that this country is run mostly on laws with christian principles, so I thought you might have a constructive reply after the insult.
All and any regious extremism is criticised, especially the ones that claim they are the one, the only true religion. I am confident that if there were Muslims posting on here that claimed the same kind of nonsense that you and others are proposing, they too would be equally criticised.
To conflate the persecution of one type of person based solely on their religion is wrong. Christians are not persecuted solely on their religion.
It is their regious beliefs and gospel that is being criticised. They, as Christians are not being persecuted.
With Islamophobia, the type of people are being persecuted merely for being Muslim.
because he was accused of thinking like a madman, and you agreed by saying fruit cake, but he made a good point, that this country is run mostly on laws with christian principles, so I thought you might have a constructive reply after the insult.

My reason for Andy's 'nutty as a fruit cake' remark was not formulated based upon any of the posts in this thread.

a lot of uk laws are based on Christian principles
would you like sharia law instead.
You seem to think that there are only two options available? Perhaps you are a nutter too?

PS. Andy is about as Christian as Satan.(y)
a lot of uk laws are based on Christian principles
would you like sharia law instead.
I don't want any laws based on any religious principles.

No laws which deny access to abortion because of religion.

No banning of same-sex marriage because of religion.

No laws allowing public servants to refuse to carry out their functions because of their religious beliefs.

No laws or exemptions allowing religiously inspired misogyny or homophobia in any organisations which receive any public funding or charitable tax breaks.

No laws allowing parents to remove their children from lessons at school for religious reasons.

No laws governing when shops may open because of religion.

And no seats in our legislature given to people because of their position in religious organisations.
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