Conservative Wins since 2010

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
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Can't see "Closed children's centres to the detriment of the current school generation and parents".
Or "Brought in Voter ID to manipulate elections."
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Don't be silly Gally

I find this interesting. You should go swimming in the Rivers.

Judge Tories on their record, not their rhetoric!

Closed 600 police stations
Closed 800 public libraries
Closed 1300 children's centres
Cut council funding by 50%
Extra 600,000 kids in poverty
Extra 5 million people on NHS waiting list
Highest tax burden in 70 years
1000% increase in food banks
Trebled national debt
Trebled immigration
Stagnant economic growth
Dirty rivers

Vote Tory, Get Conned!

I would have to agree.
You can't be that naiev can you. Do you really think new Labour will be any different.
You can't be that naiev can you. Do you really think new Labour will be any different.
the last Labour govt was better than the following 14 years of Conservative evidenced by a whole range of metrics

so yes, based on history I believe they will be better
the last Labour govt was better than the following 14 years of Conservative evidenced by a whole range of metrics
Was that the Labour government that were voted out of power in favour of conservatives who have remained in power since then? Why was that? Why have they not regained power in the last 14 years if Tories are so bad?
Was that the Labour government that were voted out of power in favour of conservatives who have remained in power since then? Why was that? Why have they not regained power in the last 14 years if Tories are so bad?
Because of an uninformed electorate brainwashed by a right wing supporting billionaire media empire

Henry Hill, editor of Conservative home thinks Tories will be out of office for a minimum of 2 terms.

I certainly hope so.
Mottie fails to mention a major aspect about them getting in - early Brexit noises probably figured. The banking crisis figured - totally out of our gov's control. That certain war will have figured for a smaller proportion of voters even though the Tory backed it. Corbyn didn't help but being fair a lot of the counter arguments against him were rather dubious at the time. That has left him toxic.
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