Contacting ADMIN, there you go censored again

27 Oct 2009
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United Kingdom
Post about contacting admin deleted so will ask again . anybody had any response from them[/b]
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YES! Yesterday he accused me of not being funny and I should fook off.. :cry:
Since I have little or no quarrel with admin and the censorship here, may I suggest a thread? Something like ‘Migrate here for a slagging match”. :idea:

On it will be a link to a different site whereby anyone who wishes to be foul-mouthed and act like a troll join a forum where there is no censorship.

I don’t see why DIYnot should lower its standards to suit posters who ‘get off’ on libel, abuse and flaming. I can post a link if no-one knows of one, if it’s still going... :rolleyes:

So then, you go onto the suggested site, (a hyperlink from Migrate here for a slagging match), and register there with a name. It is unlikely to be the same user name as here, or maybe it will, but that doesn’t matter.

You can post back on the DIYnot thread and let the others know who you are on that forum, (those who also wish to flex their keyboard bravado), and you can all have a wonderful time slagging each other off.

So, for example

Norco = Norco1 or Norc0 etc.
Big Tone = Big Tone2 or BT1 etc. (Although I won’t be subscribing because it’s puerile enough and descends into farse enough for much of the time here).

You would still know each other and the new or other name will act as a mnemonic, so for the small minded it'll tax their brains less wondering who is who...
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YES! Yesterday he accused me of not being funny and I should fook off.. :cry:
:eek: Hang on Pred. Are you seriously saying something you said was banned by a mod just for not being funny or have I misunderstood your meaning? :oops:
These small minded people you refer to, would they have a problem with Predator or would that be to much for them?? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
YES! Yesterday he accused me of not being funny and I should fook off.. :cry:
:eek: Hang on Pred. Are you seriously saying something you said was banned by a mod just for not being funny or have I misunderstood your meaning? :oops:

Pred, mate. If you've got nothing funny to say - just shut the fook up. icon_rolleyes.gif icon_rolleyes.gif icon_rolleyes.gif icon_rolleyes.gif icon_rolleyes.gif icon_rolleyes.gif icon_rolleyes.gif icon_rolleyes.gif

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Ah yes, I remember that one.

If it looks like it’s descending into pointless topic drift and a slagging match, which it was, and attracting the vultures who should be on stage, (preferably above a trap door), then I can see why it would be pulled.

I think it needs policing, all good forums do IMHO, and just like the policing on our roads it may come down to a judgment call. A good cop instinctively knows the difference between a mature and respectful driver caught for a minor speeding infringement verses a yob with ‘attitude’.

Everyone here knows how to get around ‘bad words’ in a way which protects younger viewers, so I don’t see that as a sticking point of anyone getting their point or insult across. I think there’s plenty of scope for what I would call friendly banter or a serious dig/critisizm, and smilies are there to help with any ambiguity of course.

Tact is knowing how far to go too far, as I once read, and the problem is some here haven’t the faintest idea when something ceases to be funny to anyone else except themselves or a small clique of an equal troll-like mindset. If you’re here to ‘get off’ on libel or go to war with another poster maybe they should ask themselves if they’re in the right place. The mods may well be thinking, (and I don't know this), it may be offensive or off-putting to many which The Board wants to attract.

If I’m going out to a pub for lunch with the kids I don’t expect to see a brawl. I would go to a boxing match if I wanted that.

I guess you could say "but I just want to ask a mod why this or why that?" But given the size of the membership here and controversy constantly raining down, I can see why they would rather keep in the background than take up what would be a full time post engaging in argument and being a referee...
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