Cop strangles mistress to death by accident.

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15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"A jury took just under three hours to find Timothy Brehmer, 41, not guilty of murdering Claire Parry.

Brehmer had previously admitted the manslaughter of the married nurse with whom he had been having an affair for more than 10 years.

The court heard that while the pair were in the car, Parry had taken Brehmer’s phone and sent a message to his wife saying: “I am cheating on you.”

Brehmer claimed she accidentally suffered the fatal injury while he was trying to push her out of the vehicle so he could drive away."

He had the foresight to bring a knife with him, so he cut himself and pretended he had been attacked and was protecting himself.


"Under cross-examination by Richard Smith QC, prosecuting, Mr Brehmer initially denied being a "well-practised liar" but then accepted the term after admitting he lied "consistently well" to his wife over their affair."
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"He said he demanded Mrs Parry get out of his car but she refused so he "bundled" into the car to try to push her out and his arm "must have slipped up in all the melee".

Mr Brehmer said he then left the car without realising Mrs Parry was "poorly".

Mrs Parry, from Bournemouth, died in hospital the following day from a brain injury caused by compression of the neck."
The court heard that while the pair were in the car, Parry had taken Brehmer’s phone and sent a message to his wife saying: “I am cheating on you.”
That act is ferkin Seriously pushing your luck.
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Perhaps I'd dump her and go back to my other mistress.

What does Boris do when one of his pregnant affairs finds out about one of the others?

By all means use an alternative example of a moral degenerate if you like. Do you know someone equally despicable?

I don't know many other men who've had multiple affairs, making two of them pregnant before leaving his wife.

As far as I know, even Boris has not strangled any to death after a row and faked injuries to himself
(that is not denied here)
justifies murder, you mean?
""""have been having an affair for years, she was going to tell my wife.

‘I am afraid I am going to lose my boy, """"
Can any bloke,hand on heart,be 100% sure they would instantly deal with that situation sensibly and level headed..,out of the blue??Fekin sure have my doubts about my reaction.
What good fortune that he happened to have brought a knife with him.

How long does it take to strangle somebody to death?

Let's suppose you're a person trained in restaint methods, and professionally trained not to use fatal holds.
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