Corrugated roof

28 Feb 2007
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi everyone
I was hoping to build a little simple bike shelter in a corner of my garden between the fence and conservatory.
I was thinking of using something like this for the roof:

I've never used any corrugated product before and my one problem is that the area I want to cover is not square. So the side at the fence is about 8" out of square, being wider at the back.
I presume you can't cut this stuff out of square down the corrugations as it would look pretty awful?
The other option is to do it square but would mean either the front hanging over the neighbours fence or a gap at the back letting rain in?
So should I just felt it instead?
Thanks for any help.
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Yes, just felt it - that stuff is a bugger to cut and gums up a saw;)

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