Cycling campaigners welcome 'close pass' ruling

Ye , went through Fleetwood the other day, and there were plenty of twenties which really have no need to be.

Switching limits to frequently in an area, confuses drivers trying to stay within the limit and are difficult to enforce. There is no enforcement of the 20 limits that I am aware, anywhere at all - it relies upon some drivers sticking at 20mph and slowing down the rest..
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I wonder how much the research cost, I could have told them that for free. Cycling is mostly a leisure time pursuit, rather than the pursuit of a regular commuter.

That's probably because the commuting experience as a whole is garbage.

We're unfit.
We're lazy.
The weather is ****.
We have too many hills.
We work a long way from where we live.
We work long hours.

That's before you factor in the terrible infrastructure, and the drivers who want to kill you.......

Personally , I would love to cycle to work, and I am lucky in that I could (in theory, anyway. All I'd need to carry is a change of clothes, and a laptop).

Apart from the fact that my shortest office commute is almost 30 miles, the others are between 120 and 300, and that's before I need to carry gear to site.

So, I'll stick with working from home, the car, and cycling over the Chase on nights and weekends.
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Push bikes and cycling becomes a religion for some. They have seen the light etc. When in practice like most things it's not that simple.
So, I'll stick with working from home, the car, and cycling over the Chase on nights and weekends.

It's bonkers how busy it is on Cannock Chase. I've just finished a large landscaping project on the edge of The Chase. I got into a few verbals with people (cyclists, hikers, runners) attempting to park right outside the site, in between the cones I'd just put down for the grabber access.

Travelling regularly from Slough to St Albans the highest average speed for the journey I could achieve was 32mph, when working in London, St Johns Wood, highest average speed I could achieve was 11 mph.

Used to motorbike in to the city every day as my office had underground parking. It was most risky at about 7:05pm when the car drivers realised they could use the bus lanes and darted in to them without looking. Road safety is rarely about the speed we drive and mostly about what we are concentrating on.
It's bonkers how busy it is on Cannock Chase. I've just finished a large landscaping project on the edge of The Chase. I got into a few verbals with people (cyclists, hikers, runners) attempting to park right outside the site, in between the cones I'd just put down for the grabber access.

Apply for a temporary traffic order or stop obstructing the highway :D
Push bikes and cycling becomes a religion for some. They have seen the light etc. When in practice like most things it's not that simple.
Hopefully people do tend to ""see the light"" as they become older and less fit and re evaluate their values.And as said before changing human behaviour is glacial..But it must dawn on even the thickest of people,sitting in cars in traffic jams is no good to anyone.
cycling becomes a religion
Bit exagerated to call it a religion.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
Two abreast???? You're lucky when the cycle club idiots up here get out on the roads it's more likely to be 3, 4 or even 5 abreast. All cyclists should have full insurance cover and pay road tax. Their cycles should also be identified as motor vehicles are. In my opinion if there is no dedicated cycle track separate from the road then cyclists should not be on that road, end of.
I would happily pay road tax on my bike if in turn the gov ensured ALL roads had cycle lanes and future roads were wider to accommodate this. This is root of of some of the issues here blaming the cyclist isn't always the case. Safety for all should be of paramount concern here if we are to evolve and introduce further modes of transport.
Despite being an avid road and off road rider i frikkin hate idiots on road bikes thinking it's cool to ride 2/3 a breast on busy roads when cars are queueing, absolute dicks.
I also ask all drivers to please take absolute care and awareness passing cyclists big or small young or old, please please always give them a safe distance and remember that could be your nearest and dearest right there you may or may not end up killing with your 1+ton machine you're driving :(
Despite being an avid road and off road rider i frikkin hate idiots on road bikes thinking it's cool to ride 2/3 a breast on busy roads when cars are queueing, absolute dicks.
Agreed.Some Cyclists pizz me off on shared paths.For dog walkers I always ring the bell if they have not seen me,slow right down so as not to startle the dog,keep an eye on it until I pass and always say thankyou..Others just fly past..Fekoff man..It is not difficult....99% of dog walkers always control their dog somehow and are courteous.I have v v few probs with them.
Apply for a temporary traffic order or stop obstructing the highway :D
Ordinarily we park the two vans there. It's literally the time it takes to move the vans and lay out the cones ready for the grabbers imminent arrival and folk are shoe-horning into the space between cones.
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