Daily Mail Anti-Europe confession

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
The Daily Mail has published a 54-word correction to a front page story that claimed that a group of migrants who arrived in the UK in the back of a lorry declared: “We are from Europe – let us in.”
The newspaper ran the article, by its reporters James Slack and Jason Groves, on Thursday with the headline: “As politicians squabble over border controls, yet another lorry load of migrants arriving in the UK declaring ... We’re from Europe – let us in!”

However, in the correction published at the bottom of page two on Friday, the Mail said the group were from the Middle East.

In May, the Mail published a correction to a story published in February that claimed EU immigrants were convicted of 700 crimes a week. It later said the figures related to “notifications”, which include breaches of court orders and appeals, as well as convictions.

That correction followed a series of complaints lodged with the Independent Press Standards Organisation by InFacts, a group campaigning for Britain to remain in the European Union, about referendum stories in the Mail, Mail Online, the Daily Telegraph and Daily Express.
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It really is time that Newspapers were forced to tell the truth and held accountable when they do not.

Obviously, everyone makes mistakes, but, that they are seemingly allowed - and like - to print downright lies is an outrage.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find a news organisation that doesn't have an agenda of some kind
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I think you'd be hard pressed to find a news organisation that doesn't have an agenda of some kind
Of course they do. The idiots are the ones that read such garbage and actually believe it - verbatim.
To say DM readers are gullible and naïve is a massive understatement. The editor must chuckle to himself whist imagining his target readers, thinking "how can anyone believe this crap" type of thoughts.
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Got to agree with noseall... the papers target their audience and give them (topics) they will believe in... also look at the ok biggest selling paper the sun...... FFS .. just been caught lying over hilllsborough and still going.. this is totally aimed at complete idiots in our society and it is the best selling rag in our country so what does that say for our inhabitants.. when I see a idiot buying it I picture them reading this while sitting in their chav scruffy living room with a gang of chav kids watching Jeremy kyle and looking forward to big brother....fooking idiots
I think you'd be hard pressed to find a news organisation that doesn't have an agenda of some kind
Of course they do. The idiots are the ones that read such garbage and actually believe it - verbatim.
To say DM readers are gullible and naïve is a massive understatement. The editor must chuckle to himself whist imagining his target readers, thinking "how can anyone believe this crap" type of thoughts.

I don't think reading the DM necessarily makes someone a believer anymore than me watching BBC news makes me a believer. I think you underestimate the intelligence and awareness of your average punter. In years gone by there were only a few media outlets from which the majority were forced to consume news and media , nowadays there are unlimited channels, and often these channels are contradictory. If a person wants to know more about something they can research and form an opinion which may not only be closer to the truth but also bring to light the motivations and agendas of those reporting on news.
I think you underestimate the intelligence and awareness of your average punter.

nowadays there are unlimited channels, and often these channels are contradictory.
There is a theory that that is not unintentional.

It does, though, prove some are lying.

We lie to ourselves everyday, why should be expect our media not to ?

If mainsteam news channels were forced to tell the truth, the entire construct of our society would perish, as the entire construct of our society is built on violence, greed and competitiveness hidden behind a deceptive vale of social graces.
But too many punters will just vote over personalities. Some will vote 'Remain' just because 1) they consider Farage is a racist or 2) Johnson is only after the PM job. Many will vote Brexit because they don't like Cameron or Osbourne. The pros/cons of EU membership is not an issue to them. :(
Hard to counter that because it does not actually say anything valid.
How many is some? How many is many?

Some will vote exit because they are racist.
Many will vote remain because they are not racist.
Many will vote knowing nothing about the issues.
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