Daily Mail pedals backwards

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
A Daily Mail story has been removed from their website.

Can anyone guess why?


Their artfully posed photo, accompanying their heartwarming story of the happy family man wrongly persecuted by wicked social workers and police, is still on record, though. They told how the evil forces of the state removed the child from the parents "care" and maliciously accused them of mistreatment. The poor man was locked up and treated as if he were a child abuser! Can you imagine?


Thank goodness we have the Daily Mail to put the other side of the story.
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keep trying.

The "father's" name is Ben Butler.
To be fair in this case, from what I have read, the blame should lie with the courts and/or our system.
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Nice to see the Mail being so reasonable.

Oops, my mistake.

They love a good story about evil social workers.
Another case of crying wolf, I suspect.

Will anything happen to the Judge who previously exonerated him or the lawyers who took part?
The Daily Mail.

If all of what they print is crap, it is hard to believe something when not their fault.
So the story was inaccurate and they took it down??
If it had been a simple news report of facts, there would have been no need to take it down.

They took it down because it was crammed with prejudice and spin.
If it had been a simple news report of facts, there would have been no need to take it down.

They took it down because it was crammed with prejudice and spin.

Totally inaccurate then?
No. Curiously they included some facts which were true. That's not what they're ashamed of. It was not a news story. No need to take down a straightforward news story. Although they neglected to mention that the man is a violent thug. They chose to ignore facts which didn't suit the fantasy they wanted to portray.

What they are, and should be, ashamed of is their gleeful trumpeting of the spin and opinion they added. Which has now been shown to be wrong and shameful.

"Butler’s neighbours did not know the devoted father, but an entirely different man – a “coke head” and “nutter” whose temper was so volatile he was, one claimed, “banned from all the pubs in the high street” and had been in court more than once. Butler’s conviction for the murder of Ellie simply underlined what they already knew.

“He was not a good dad,” said one neighbour, speaking to the Guardian on condition of anonymity during the trial. “He was a vile human being.

“I saw him one day walking to school with Ellie, swearing at her for wetting herself. There is a reason why she was wetting herself. She was petrified of him.”

Butler’s violent past was known to the authorities. It can now be reported that he
had a string of convictions before being reunited with Ellie, who had been fostered by her grandparents.

They include a three-year jail sentence for robbery, intimidation of three witnesses and several assaults on his ex-girlfriend and two strangers. It has also emerged, following a high court application by the Guardian, that he has a conviction for possession of an offensive weapon in 2011"


Investigative journalism? Respect for truth? Checking the facts?
Not the Mail.
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