Denmark Suspends Astrazeneca Vaccine

13 Sep 2010
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Wrong side of The Channel
United Kingdom
ReganAndCarter said:
Austria suspends AstraZenica vaccine after death

JohnD said:


After having vaccinated 36 thousand people with that particular batch, the unused remains of that batch have been suspended from further use.

"“Currently there is no evidence of a causal relationship with the vaccination,” BASG said."

BASG said blood clotting was not among the known side effects of the vaccine. It was pursuing its investigation vigorously to completely rule out any possible link."

“As a precautionary measure, the remaining stocks of the affected vaccine batch are no longer being issued or vaccinated,” it added."

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ReganAndCarter said:
suspends AstraZenica vaccine after death

This better for you?
Oxford-AstraZeneca: Denmark suspends vaccine 'as a precaution'
1 hour ago
has temporarily halted use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine

from your link.​
See the difference?
Additionally, you reported your incorrect comment days ago. The BBC report was published an hour ago.
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I saw Elvis chatting to Lord Lucan the other day in my Sainsbury's Local.

Sadly, I didn't have my phone with me at the time.
Quote from BBC report.

Overall, 30 cases of thromboembolic events have been reported among the five million people vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine in the European Economic Area.

Why would the above be a valid reason to suspend the use of AZ.
30 cases out of 5 million is statistically insignificant.
Adverse events are normally around 1% though these can range significantly in severity. 30 cases is tiny and these things happen at higher numbers in the general population. We have to remember that rollout is being prioritised by age/Ill health so personally I’d expect there to be bigger issues.
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By the same token, it would be perfectly normal to temporarily suspend the use of that vaccine, or that batch, until suitable investigations have been concluded.
If someone went for a flu jab, and there was a death afterwards, I suspect exactly the same would happen, i.e. the flu jab, or that batch, would be temporarily suspended until it had been determined that it was not the flu jab at fault, notwithstanding that flu jabs have been much more prevalent and in use for much longer than Covid vaccines, therefore more results are available on flu jabs.
We have to remember that rollout is being prioritised by age/Ill health so personally I’d expect there to be bigger issues.
Unless of course the reporting of deaths was 'incorrect'?

After all, as long as you have apparently had the 'virus' in the last 28 days (it was longer) your cause of death is put down as the 'virus'!
I think it's much like deaths in the yellow card reports for the UK. Out of curiosity I looked at the seasonal weekly death rate 2019 summer when it's lower than winter. Seems to be 8,000 a week. If 15,000,000 people are vaccinated over a couple of months it's not surprising some die and would have done anyway.

Doubt if there is much chance of finding typical thrombosis rates but the people who look at this sort of thing in terms of possible side effects will have a clue. Say there was a marginal risk - they would think of what's best over all considering all aspects.

The age aspect is interesting. Why roll it out to all adults? The older group come out at about 1 in 32,000 may die but probably not due to the vaccine. Then look at say the 40 year old age range. What is the probability of them catching covid needing treatment and maybe having serious end effects or dying. Some do die. I think you would find it's a no brainer especially as death isn't a real side effect of the vaccine. Vaccine improves the odds of all past 30.

All adults by July. Fair chance that they then need to start thinking about boosters and do the entire thing again.

28 day covid deaths. It's a fact of life that some with covid take longer than that to die when they are being treated for it in hospital. The 64day figures are scarcely higher even though there is more chance of them being bumped off for other reasons.
We have a population of approximately 68,000,000, and an approximate death rate of 600,00 per year.

There have been approximately 24,000,000 million vaccinations administered over the last 3 months, the majority to the elderly.

You would expect over 3 months that 150,000 deaths would have occurred, again the vast majority would be in the vaccinated group.

So an approximation would be that 100,000 would have died after having the vaccination.

All talk of a few deaths through various reasons, is irrelevant.

Nothing to see here, move along please.
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