Our house is pebble-dashed and we are thinking about having it rendered. The house across the road recently had their house done. Their house was like ours, fully pebble-dashed, but they had the top half re-pebble-dashed and the bottom half rendered smooth. She said that it was a lot cheaper to have the top half re-pebble-dashed and the bottom half rendered smooth rather than the whole lot rendered smooth. Is that the case? I would have thought pebble dashing would be extra work as they have to render and then put the pebbles on, but I know nothing about rendering/pebble-dashing.
Also, she said it was much cheaper doing the half and half because scaffolding wasn't required, where if they'd gone for the whole house smooth rendered, it would have been required. But the house that backs on to me, they recently had their whole house smooth rendered (originally pebble-dashed) and I'm sure the guys doing it didn't use scaffolding. Just wondering about scaffolding as I know that is quite a big extra cost.
Also, if you do have your house re-pebble-dashed/rendered, do they need to hack off all the old pebble-dashing and go back to brickwork? My sister's neighbour recently had hers done and the guys doing it took it back to brickwork which brought about a massive issue as the brickwork underneath wasn't in a great state. So she had to pay £7,000 just for one wall to be rendered in this special kind of bonding.
Also, she said it was much cheaper doing the half and half because scaffolding wasn't required, where if they'd gone for the whole house smooth rendered, it would have been required. But the house that backs on to me, they recently had their whole house smooth rendered (originally pebble-dashed) and I'm sure the guys doing it didn't use scaffolding. Just wondering about scaffolding as I know that is quite a big extra cost.
Also, if you do have your house re-pebble-dashed/rendered, do they need to hack off all the old pebble-dashing and go back to brickwork? My sister's neighbour recently had hers done and the guys doing it took it back to brickwork which brought about a massive issue as the brickwork underneath wasn't in a great state. So she had to pay £7,000 just for one wall to be rendered in this special kind of bonding.