Don't play with airbags

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The guy should be more concerened about those cr*p shoes he's wearing :LOL:
I remember watching a programme about some chap that worked in a factory that made the charges that inflate airbags on cars.
Apparently he was loading one machine with about 50 or so parts when one of the charges exploded causing a chain reaction with the rest. One unexploded charge ended up going up his nose and lodging there right next to his brain.
To remove it, surgeons had to find some way of surrounding the charge with water. (stops the possibility of the charge going off due to static electricity).As I remember , they anaesthetised the poor bloke and made a sort of dam around his nose, out of Blutack, filled it with water and removed the charge so it was completely underwater.
Obviously the chap was breathing through a tube stuck down his throat. Surgeons reckoned if the charge had gone off whilst lodged in his nose, it would have just about taken his head off.
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
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Adolf attacked these numpties about 69 years too soon.