Eat your heart out, Joe...

The point is that with few exceptions child musical prodigies fail to live up to their expectations. I can only think of Mozart and Nigel Kennedy that made the grade. Will he ever be as good or as famous as Slash? I doubt it - yet Slash didn't pick up a guitar until he was 16. They get overtaken by guitar players with originality who can invent, not just copy. The kids good at what he does - but what else does he do?
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Depends which music shops you frequent - perhaps the one where Thomas McRocklin works...
Can't say I enjoyed his performance much really.

Joe: Just because you haven't heard of them doesn't mean they are not there :rolleyes:

The vast majority of the leading classical soloists were child prodigies.

You picked up on Nigel Kennedy ... What about Vanessa Mae?

And, how many of the Worlds leading rock guitar legends were wielding their axe as children ... I don't know the answer and neither do you but I'd hazard a guess that it would be the majority of them.

Youngsters have amazing talents but rarely a defined style, that comes as they get older and exposed to more of life's influences.

Time will tell whether the Brighton lad becomes anything in the music World.

The day of the guitar hero has passed. If he's lucky he'll be a semi pro.

It's not about dexterity. Many people can type quickly - but it doesn't mean they can write literature. Music is no different.

In every poll I've ever seen the top guitar player is a slow cumbersome character with a technique that is frankly laughable (all flat fingers). He seems unable to tune his guitar and his lyrics are childlike. But he was innovative and he had that 'x' factor. He didn't pick up a guitar until he was 15. He was no child star. He also played his guitar upside down.

Wannabe guitar players are like Elvis impersonators, some have talent - but they ain't gonna set the world on fire. This kid will be the same.
In every poll I've ever seen the top guitar player is a slow cumbersome character with a technique that is frankly laughable (all flat fingers).

You have been looking at some strange polls then :confused:

Out of interest, give us your top 10 guitarists
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Al DiMeola.
Take no notice Snico Joe quite clearly knows less about the music World than he does about oil or immigration or ... Anything else. :LOL:

The day of the guitar hero has passed
Yeah ... Right Joe, course it has :rolleyes:

It's not about dexterity
Yeah ... Right Joe, course it's not :eek:

You confuse dexterity with speed ... ALL the great guitarists, violinists, pianists ... Have (and need) dexterity :rolleyes:

Wannabe guitar players
Like Joe
are like Elvis impersonators, some have talent - but they ain't gonna set the world on fire.
Therein lies the root of Joe's nonsense ... Jealousy ... The kid at 13 makes him look like an amateur and he can't deal with it ... He wants to be out wielding his axe but he ain't up to it so he has to plaster walls for a living (and not a great living at that) :LOL:

This kid will be the same.
No, Joe will be the same ... As for the kid ... Who knows.

I am an amateur. Last played in public in 1972. I play for pleasure. So what? Great hobby. You should try it mega.
Why are you fishing Joe, you know I am semi-pro musician (unless you have the memory retention of a goldfish :LOL: ) ... Semi-pro in as much as I get paid to perform but still very much a hobby as far as I'm concerned.

I last played a few weeks back (charity doo in aid of Carcinoid) and I'm next playing a week on Saturday at a golf club's summer ball.

As I've said though, I am very much a vocalist who happens to play the guitar rather than a guitarist who sings ;)

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