Elbow for Cold Water Tank

27 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
Hi All,

Can someone please help as to which type of elbow I need.
Water tank if fed by 22mm, compression fitting this then goes to a female fitting at the other end of the elbow which connects with the float valve (it's an old valve with a metal ballcock).

I bought a 1/2" float valve at Screwfix but the fitting is too small for the female fitting at the elbow. I even tried splitting the valve but the threads were different.

Can someone please let me know what elbow I require as when I do a search I can't find a 22mm compression to 1/2" female fitting elbow.

OR is there another way to do it.

Thanks for any help.
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Sorry no pictures as it was at my Mums house which is about 40miles away.
It just looks like a normal brass elbow 22mm at one end and a female fitting at the other but it was too big for a 1/2" float valve.
Or just replace what was already there before,

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Thanks Jim.

Yes that would do. Screwfix was on the way through to her house and all the float valves they have in stock were 1/2".
Will pick that up from Toolstation.
Once again thanks.

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