EU and astra zeneca, still going on

12 Jan 2014
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United Kingdom
The EU aren't looking very good to the rest of the world recently,

Stopping export of covid vaccine around the world, trying to smear the UK with false claims of us vaccine hoarding.

They are still sending out mixed messages to the population as to whether the AZ vaccine is safe, some countries still won't allow it in over 55's some have stopped the roll out completely, and then you have the Eurocrats trying to tell everyone it's fine.

They are still gunning for AZ blood, it turns out the bioreaction yields are lower than they expected, and so they may even miss out on delivering the 40 million doses recently agreed to. In the mean time the politicians think it's really easy and az managers just need to push harder...

Thierry Breton, the internal market commissioner, said he was not seeing “best efforts” from AstraZeneca to meet its EU delivery targets. He urged the company’s board to press managers to increase production.

I would presume AZ are already doing that, why would they not, to Brussels think that AZ just can't be bothered..

Why do they feel the need to stomp their feet in public, is it their way of diversion by trying to point the blame elsewhere, is it a poor attempt at propaganda..I find it all most strange..
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They are still gunning for AZ blood, it turns out the bioreaction yields are lower than they expected, and so they may even miss out on delivering the 40 million doses recently agreed to. In the mean time the politicians think it's really easy and az managers just need to push harder...
What does lower bioreaction yields mean?
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Did the vaccine cause a mild form of the virus in Europe?
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Do you mean the EU testing centres found the vaccine caused a mild form of the virus in people that had the jab?

No sorry I meant the bioreaction yeilds is the vast vats az use to create the virus for there vaccine.
Thanks for the explanation
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is it a poor attempt at propaganda
Correct. The Express and The Wail have a non stop diatribe of anti EU sentiment churning out from their news outlets every day.

Every other headline reads "EU on the brink.." or some such. They take a snippet of truth and surround it in dramatically worded waffle. Astonishing brain washing for the gullible masses. Mild humour for the educated among us.
The EU aren't looking very good to the rest of the world recently,

Only to the Daily Express and a few uninformed brexers still desperate for validation

Meanwhile in the real world, The UK really isnt very important any let's think, which trade partner would be more beneficial to any country in the with a marketplace of $16trillion or one only $2.5trillion.
Meanwhile in the real world, The UK really isnt very important any let's think, which trade partner would be more beneficial to any country in the with a marketplace of $16trillion or one only $2.5trillion.
Both really.
The AZ vaccine comprises of a cold virus which has been modified to carry the spike found in the Covid virus. The vaccine works by triggering immune response which enables the body to defend against the actual Covid virus. It has to be grown via a kind of brewing process. It takes time to get everything right and sometimes the quality of the modified virus is low meaning they get fewer vaccines or no vaccines per batch.
The EU aren't looking very good to the rest of the world recently,

Stopping export of covid vaccine around the world, trying to smear the UK with false claims of us vaccine hoarding.
Talking about smear campaigns, here's a blatant one:
You said, "Stopping export of covid vaccine around the world"
The article said, "Earlier this month, Italy blocked a shipment of 250,000 doses of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to Australia."​

They are still sending out mixed messages to the population as to whether the AZ vaccine is safe, some countries still won't allow it in over 55's some have stopped the roll out completely, and then you have the Eurocrats trying to tell everyone it's fine.
Clearly, you are having difficulty differentiating between member states, and the EU.
If you need anyone to explain the difference, I'm happy to oblige.

They are still gunning for AZ blood, it turns out the bioreaction yields are lower than they expected, and so they may even miss out on delivering the 40 million doses recently agreed to. In the mean time the politicians think it's really easy and az managers just need to push harder...

Thierry Breton, the internal market commissioner, said he was not seeing “best efforts” from AstraZeneca to meet its EU delivery targets. He urged the company’s board to press managers to increase production.

When a company fails to deliver on its contracted agreement, and peculiarly, the supposed problems only occur in EU production plants, then don't you think the EU has a duty to investigate?
It does seem especially peculiar that the vaccine created in UK has problems with production only in EU.

I would presume AZ are already doing that, why would they not, to Brussels think that AZ just can't be bothered..
Why do they feel the need to stomp their feet in public, is it their way of diversion by trying to point the blame elsewhere, is it a poor attempt at propaganda..I find it all most strange..
It does seem strange that these problems with AZ only occur in EU. One should not discount espionage or sabotage just because we are dealing with a life saving vaccine.
Only to the Daily Express and a few uninformed brexers still desperate for validation

Meanwhile in the real world, The UK really isnt very important any let's think, which trade partner would be more beneficial to any country in the with a marketplace of $16trillion or one only $2.5trillion.

none of what i said came from those papers, and i made no mention of justifying brexit nor using it as an excuse to obtain validation for brexit..

also i dont think Australia was very happy..

i'm interested to have a discussion on why the EU seem to be going down this route of misguidance and continual finger pointing at AZ and the UK.
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one with a marketplace of $16trillion or one only $2.5trillion

The Philistines thought the same as you Notch.

If size mattered to David (as it did with the Israelite's) he wouldn't have had the courage to take on Goliath. Especially with just a staff, 5 stones and a sling. David knew size doesn't matter, it's HEART, COURAGE, and COMMITMENT that matters.19 Jul 2015
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5 Powerful Life Lessons from David and Goliath - Addicted 2 Success
Talking about smear campaigns, here's a blatant one:
You said, "Stopping export of covid vaccine around the world"
The article said, "Earlier this month, Italy blocked a shipment of 250,000 doses of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to Australia."​

The EU is the one that imposed the directive and it was Italy, whom applied for permission to stop it via the eu. Italy to Australia is around the world....

Clearly, you are having difficulty differentiating between member states, and the EU.
If you need anyone to explain the difference, I'm happy to oblige.

Well if belgium and germany tell people its not suitable for people over 55, why would those people in france, italy etc then think it's ok to use. what it done is make people not want to take the vaccine. The uptake in various eu countries is slow for this very reason.

When a company fails to deliver on its contracted agreement, and peculiarly, the supposed problems only occur in EU production plants, then don't you think the EU has a duty to investigate?
It does seem especially peculiar that the vaccine created in UK has problems with production only in EU.

The uk has had delays

It does seem strange that these problems with AZ only occur in EU. One should not discount espionage or sabotage just because we are dealing with a life saving vaccine.
Talking about smear campaigns, here's a blatant one:
You said, "Stopping export of covid vaccine around the world"
The article said, "Earlier this month, Italy blocked a shipment of 250,000 doses of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to Australia."​

Clearly, you are having difficulty differentiating between member states, and the EU.
If you need anyone to explain the difference, I'm happy to oblige.

When a company fails to deliver on its contracted agreement, and peculiarly, the supposed problems only occur in EU production plants, then don't you think the EU has a duty to investigate?
It does seem especially peculiar that the vaccine created in UK has problems with production only in EU.

It does seem strange that these problems with AZ only occur in EU. One should not discount espionage or sabotage just because we are dealing with a life saving vaccine.

Rather strange though that if AZ were in breach of their EU contract wouldn't they be facing court action?
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