Even Sky has turned serious. Bit late now.

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"...Of course, there are things the government can do in certain areas. However, the painful truth is that all the reassuring talk of preparation is displacement activity. No deal poses discernible, concrete problems for which preparation can do little.

Let's imagine you're a lamb farmer. If there's a no-deal, there is no question: you will be faced with tariffs of 40%. No preparation can change that and similar tariffs will apply to thousands of sectors and products. There isn't time to find new markets and your product will likely be priced out of the old one..."

"..Likewise if you're a consumer, there are scores of issues where no deal will create extra costs for which preparation cannot compensate, i.e. all parcels brought into the UK from the EU under the value of £135 would be subject to VAT. You can't prepare for that, it just is..."

"...Then there are the shared systems which will be lost. Over the years, a multitude of European information networks related to scientific research, energy, security, crime, you name it, have evolved to deal with continental wide issues on a continental wide basis.

Perhaps the most important of those relate to crime and security. As the UK's Head of Counter Terrorism noted last week: "We can make them [the damaging effects] less, but they would be slower systems. Those systems and tools were developed in the EU for very good reason. They were very good..."

"Supply chains which worked on 31 October will no longer be productive or efficient on 1 November. This is just basic economics. We are the only economy in modern times to purposefully reverse such profound economic integration. By necessity it will no longer be as easy to trade with Rome as it is with Rotherham. This will - indeed it must - have an effect. And there is nothing government can do to prepare for it because that is quite literally their policy."


Brexers, just pull the blankets over your head and keep repeating "project fear, project fear"

Perhaps reality will just go away.
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"..Likewise if you're a consumer, there are scores of issues where no deal will create extra costs for which preparation cannot compensate, i.e. all parcels brought into the UK from the EU under the value of £135 would be subject to VAT. You can't prepare for that, it just is..."

However, the EU would not be charging the EU's VAT on it, so the net result is it would cost the same, once UK VAT is charged upon the item.

There is no VAT charged on items exported out of the EU or the UK.
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