April Fools' Day Comes Early

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
According to rumours on Sky,

"The minister said Number 10 is in "panic mode" and fears Mrs May's deal will not win enough support to pass the Commons.

They are understood to be weighing up the series of indicative votes in the knowledge that, if they do not allow MPs the chance to explore alternatives, parliament could force the government to allow such votes anyway by taking control of the Brexit process.

The votes would not replace a so-called "meaningful vote" on the prime minister's deal, which has to be held next week in order to meet the terms of the extension offered to the UK by the EU."

"After leaving talks with Mr Lidington at the Cabinet Office on Friday, Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable said they'd had "a very good business-like discussion".

He added: "We're considering how parliament can consider a very wide range of options - including revocation, including a people's vote."

Labour has tabled an amendment calling on the government to provide enough time next week for MPs to be given votes on Brexit alternatives."

"Jeremy Corbyn said: "Following a series of meetings with MPs from all parties, EU leaders, businesses and trade unions, I am convinced that a sensible alternative deal can be agreed by Parliament, be negotiated with the EU and bring the public together, whether they voted leave or remain.

"It's time for Parliament to take control of the Brexit process from this failed prime minister, and end the chaos and confusion created by the Government's divisions and incompetence."

In a sign of the task on Mrs May's hands to win over opponents of her deal, the Democratic Unionist Party said the PM "putting the blame on others cannot disguise the responsibility her government bears for the current debacle".


Also, Sky says:

"Here are the options which have been put forward, and what they mean."

"Revoke Article 50
Article 50 is the clause which triggered the UK's withdrawal from the EU and gave the country two years to negotiate an exit deal.

A petition to revoke Article 50 and cancel Brexit passed three million signatures on Friday.

The prime minister responded by saying: "I do not believe we should be revoking Article 50."

"Second referendum
A second referendum would see the decision-making taken back to the public for a final vote on the Brexit deal.

Campaigners have called for the public to get behind a People's Vote march through London this weekend, demanding that voters are given a choice."

"PM's deal
MPs are expected to vote for a third time on the prime minister's deal next week, which has twice been rejected by Parliament.

EU leaders have granted Theresa May's request to delay Brexit, on the condition that her deal is passed by next week."

"A source told Sky News that Downing Street is in "panic mode" and fears Mrs May's deal could be voted down for a third time."

"PM's deal with customs union
Another option is a softer version of the prime minister's deal, which would see the UK remain within the customs union.

This means goods can pass between the UK and the EU without checks or duties, but there will still be a tariff for non-EU goods."

"PM's deal with customs union and single market access
This option would also include access to the single market - the European trade bloc which guarantees the free movement of goods, capital, services and labour.

The prime minister previously said that ending free movement and allowing only skilled workers to come to the UK were among her top priorities."

"Standard free trade agreement
A free trade agreement would see the UK accepting a Norway-style deal.

Members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - which include Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland - have access to the single market and limited EU trade barriers, but are not in the customs union.

On Monday, the government said it had secured an agreement which meant trade can continue unchanged with Norway and Iceland if the UK leaves the EU without a deal."

"No-deal Brexit
"This final option would leave the UK with no agreements in place for what the future relationship will look like.

The country would be forced to make its own arrangements with others outside the European Union.

Sky News revealed on Thursday that the armed forces have activated a team in a nuclear-proof bunker under the Ministry of Defence as the government prepares for a potential no-deal Brexit."


Rice-Pudd's Brextremists are said to be enraged at the idea that anybody else might get a say.

Surely this can't be true? It must be a spoof? Theresa can't possibly be letting anyone express an opinion or vote on anything but her deal that has already been rejected?

If you were going to allow discussion and voting on the possible options, obviously you'd do it at the beginning of the process, not after three years of pointless ****storm.

The idea that she would allow anyone to contemplate allowing the citizens to vote on her catastropic shambles is patently absurd.

It can't be true.
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About 8 minutes long, but one of the best ones yet by Jonathan Pie.
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Chris Grayling is leading the Cabinet coup against the PM.

Early reports suggest our new Prime Minister will be Theresa May.
Grayling tried to resign but ended up unsubscribing from Netflix instead.
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