Farage - the biggest ever hypocrite!

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Not content with working his way through various European women and gaining a rather large EU pension he comes up with this: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/9...ge-alfie-evans-news-appeal-court-reject-italy

“Do you know, they turned off the life support machine yesterday, he could have been in Italy by now."

Well that option won't be available to most brits much longer thanks to Farage!

But Farage and his fellow anti-European money grabbers have of course made sure they will still have the option!
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You somehow believe that leaving the EU stops Brits moving about through Europe. It does not. It stops movement without papers. You also seem to believe that the Italians would be somehow duplicitous enough to offer a healthcare solution, but not the papers. That does not add up. Mostly as it wouldn't support your bile.

Not content with working his way through various European women and gaining a rather large EU pension he comes up with this: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/9...ge-alfie-evans-news-appeal-court-reject-italy

“Do you know, they turned off the life support machine yesterday, he could have been in Italy by now."

Well that option won't be available to most brits much longer thanks to Farage!

But Farage and his fellow anti-European money grabbers have of course made sure they will still have the option!

So We leave the EU and we all stop being Human to each other.... Sad world you live in
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resident foreign malcontent.

Yeah he hates the Uk, can't stop moaning about it.....I hate siberia, but it doesnt matter, I don't choose to live there :ROFLMAO:
Neither of you know if ellal is a) resident in UK, or b) foreign.
So your comment is pure supposition.
Apart from that, why is it that whenever anyone criticises a UK policy, legislation, politician etc, some on here immediately accuse them of hating the UK, or claiming that people will stop being human?
Is anyone allowed an opinion without some distorting the comment into a "hate the UK" post?
How did we ever survive and rule 25% of the world without The EU?
Aww bless...

Someone's dreaming about that old 'empire' :ROFLMAO:

Newsflash - the UK can't feed itself, has virtually no resources, and is about to cut itself off from the biggest trading block around if the 'no deal' nutters get their way!
(Plus we ain't that popular around the world if you haven't noticed!)

Have you seen our latest growth figures?
And it's only going to get worse!

We can't even do gunboat 'diplomacy', 'cos we've only got 2 aircraft carriers - with no aircraft!

Pointing out these things is merely showing that those making the brainless accusations here do indeed appear to have a large vacuum between their ears themselves ;)
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You somehow believe that leaving the EU stops Brits moving about through Europe. It does not. It stops movement without papers. You also seem to believe that the Italians would be somehow duplicitous enough to offer a healthcare solution, but not the papers. That does not add up. Mostly as it wouldn't support your bile.

It completely changes the picture as regards employment/education though, and also throws away pan European rights.

Have you checked out the minimum amount a non EU citizen needs to earn to work/live here?
That'll be put in place across Europe for UK citizens too when we leave, so that'll screw up the chances of the young who would simply like to have the benefits that we've had for the last 40 or so years.

But hey, as I've said before our children are dual nationals so it won't affect their life chances.
(the same with farage's kids btw).

So to anyone who voted leave, good luck when you come to explain the consequences to your kids and grandkids!
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What? its pure supposition that ellal spends all his time on here moaning about the UK?

there is no supposition about it.....he does nothing else :ROFLMAO:
I see eeyore is doing his usual trick and taking a comment and applying it out of the context in which it was made.
I see eeyore is doing his usual trick and taking a comment and applying it out of the context in which it was made

Wallabe is doing his usual trick of getting it wrong.......yet again :ROFLMAO:

Poor old Wallabe, its George all over again.
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