Fence post holes

31 Mar 2013
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United Kingdom
Hello there.

I've been digging for fence post holes in my garden.

Basically a new fence is going up, but not in exactly the same place as the old one, which will explain the position of the hole in the photo.

I've had to dig into an old wall and footing. Is this hole wide enough all the way around? It's a good 200mm from the depth of the pavement to the earth, will that be big enough to concrete in a 100x100 post?

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What depth do you have from finish floor level? and as long as there is concrete around the post once it is in the hole then all will be fine.

So far I've mananged 18" on some holes and 20" on others. There's incredibly hard concrete and clay after the remains of that wall.

The rest of the wall and the pavement can help shore up the posts, though.
I would always recommend concrete posts, and they can actually cost less than their wooden equivalent. Install once, and that it is.

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