Finish on a picnic table

30 Mar 2015
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United Kingdom
I had a recommendation of using sadolin extra durable wood stain on a picnic bench that I built a couple of months ago. This was built from treated timber and I sealed any cut edges using endseal.

Q. Is sadolin the right product for this and secondly, what are these marks ok my wood and can I treat over this?

Thanks in advance.


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I have used sadolin on a garden seat, has lasted well.

Don't know about the marks, maybe the effects of treatment or from storage/stacking.

Thank @blup. I am happy to use Sadolin woodstain but unsure n whether these marks will show through and hence, I need to do something beforehand. They look suspiciously like mould to me...
It's called blue stain, unsurprisingly, it's caused by suboptimal seasoning. You cannot get it out, however it has no detrimental effects on the wood (I.e. it's not mould)
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another possible cause is if you get iron filings or angle grinder debris and water can cause spots like that
Thanks for clearing that up guys. Can I apply sadolin woodstain straight on to this and will it hide these marks?
A stain is translucent so it allows you to see the grain of the wood. If you see the grain you will see the stains. Sorry :(
That's what I thought and was wondering if I can rub these marks off or treat them in a certain way before applying the woodstain
If you have an off cut try sanding it down and see what happens, i.e. how much sanding you will have to do. If you sand "much" you are likely to remove any treatment the wood has had. You can't mask/treat the marks unless you stain the bench with something very dark in which case you might as well paint the whole thing. I would put it down to experience.

As an afterthought, It may be possible to "bleach" them, something that is done to lighten the colour of wood. I have never done it nor bothered looking into it, so try researching it.

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