I've just taken off one of the TRVs in my room as the radiator is always cold even though there is no air in there. Anyway, for the last year or so, it has always been quite greasy and I could never think why. Maybe I thought we had dropped some baby cream or petroleum jelly or something but having taken it off now, looks too greasy for that. I should add, that the "click" on each turn that used to be a feature of the Draytons, is not there anymore or is simple to turn.
Is it possible the wax inside this TRV has started leaking? Also is there any risks to leaving no TRV on top of the valve? If I need to replace it with another, are other makes all standardised to fit on the pin that this Drayton valvue was sittin on?
Is it possible the wax inside this TRV has started leaking? Also is there any risks to leaving no TRV on top of the valve? If I need to replace it with another, are other makes all standardised to fit on the pin that this Drayton valvue was sittin on?