Halal slaughter: Outcry after undercover film exposes brutal

What's up - RN got shafted on his "Child Marriage" bullsh!t, so you're rounding on anyone who dares shine a light?
You keep making stuff up - that's how desperate you've got.
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If you, or handyjack, or whitespirit, or brigadier actually cared, you would be starting them. But you don't care about cruelty, you only care about lambasting a religion you dislike.

brigadier actually admitted that he doesn't care.
Are you referring to me? If so, then you're sorely wrong and completely bonkers old boy :confused:
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'We think that they are not being stunned correctly. This is probably very common and probably happens in a number of different slaughterhouses around the UK.

If the people pretending to be terribly worried about animal welfare actually were, then you would think they might have commented on this. Nobody did. Of course there weren't any Muslims involved in the story I linked to

Halal slaughter involves a prayer being said over the animal, but stunning is permitted, and the slaughter can be carried out in an ordinary slaughterhouse using ordinary British methods and by ordinary British slaughtermen.

Did you make that up? As far as I am aware, though the slaughterman can be British, he must also be Muslim!
So while your not deleting my posts you post up blatant lies.

So is it JD who has been deleting posts and threads with which he disagrees?

I was under the impression that it might have been DC or Nosey. If I was making an incorrect assumption, I'd like to apologise without reservation.

Although, perhaps we shall never know for certain.
so the heading of this thread should be:

British slaughter: Outcry after undercover film exposes brutality of the British meat industry
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