Here's another one for BOB DOLE to get his teeth into.......

joe-90 said:
tigger said:
Afraid not. So are you saying that there are no benefit cheats who are not asylum seekers also? I don't think so.

We had this benefit problem long before asylum seekers discovered that this was the place to go for freebies, including educating their children which I notice you don't seem to mind either.

The benefit system should be scrapped and replaced with private insurance. As should be the education and health systems.

Taxation would then drop by about 90%.


Seriously, you should move to the US - You can watch tramps die in the street, or see poor children kept screaming in the ER whilst their details are checked out to your heart's content. It'll be like a dream come true..... ;)

Back to education though, surely a well-educated population benefits the whole of society, not just its recipients. Under a completely private education system, the poor would be forced to cut corners, dooming them to a life of unemployability and daytime TV and widening the gap yet further.
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Exactly. Education for our children paid for with our taxes. That includes yours too Joe.

The NHS used to work under the same principle until it became open to abuse from overseas visitors, management structures and the compensation culture.

Aneurin Bevan would be spinning in his grave if he knew what a monster he had created.
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