Hot Tubs or Japanese Tub

11 Apr 2019
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United Kingdom
I have been trying to redesign our small garden, L shaped, with 9m on the longest length and 6m on the shortest width.

We have about a 30cm drop to the patio/ground level from our patio doors. So got me thinking of running a decking of sorts below the 30cm planning limit and having a hot tub, below deck level with some sort of gas spring hatch.

The question is should I get a large normal tub and mod it or dig nearly another 40cm to get it that deep. I guess I would need to have 50cm either side for maintenance etc. Or should I get one of those open water tanks?

All ideas are welcome :) I can stick this in my projects page.
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I don't understand what you mean about having a hot tub below the 30cm, (12"), decking with a gas spring hatch.
I have this mental image of a hot tub on the ground, with decking surrounding it, and the hot tub having a lid that has some form of gas strut to raise it open.
What do you mean about getting a 'normal' tub and modding it? Why would you dig another 40cm, (16") deep?
A standard, solid, hot tub has a height of around 36"-40" if I am correct. Why sink it into the ground where the supply and drain pipework will have to be situated?
Thanks for the reply, I wanted to create one below the deck surface, so it is hidden from view and opens out only when you need it. Instead of a normal hot tub, I was thinking of getting a japanese tub (Orfu) style - lots of wood fired ones available, but I was planning to run it off my gas boiler. So in essence a deck, that pops open to reveal a hot tub. The Japanese tub doesn't have any fancy jets or lights, just hot water in a deep tub
I've had a quick look at Japanese tubs and have a clearer idea now.
Theoretically you could do it, and have a concealed lid operated by a gas strut. But you still have the problem of how to empty it. You would need some form of drainage system to empty it and this would need to be below the tub. I suppose you could pump it out but this would still need a lot of planning to get the right type of pump.
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Thanks, I was thinking of running a conventional waste to a sump made of a 110 soil pipe, capped and deeper than the tub, then lower a submersible pump to pump it out to the foul drain.
Just wondering if anyone else has done this before.
My hot tub uses the main pump to empty it. For corners that don't drain completely and kids paddling pools I use a tiny boat sump pump to shift water.[would fit in you tea mug] pu.jpg
Thanks, that's why I love this site, really clever people who love to help, I learnt something new!

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