I have been trying to redesign our small garden, L shaped, with 9m on the longest length and 6m on the shortest width.
We have about a 30cm drop to the patio/ground level from our patio doors. So got me thinking of running a decking of sorts below the 30cm planning limit and having a hot tub, below deck level with some sort of gas spring hatch.
The question is should I get a large normal tub and mod it or dig nearly another 40cm to get it that deep. I guess I would need to have 50cm either side for maintenance etc. Or should I get one of those open water tanks?
All ideas are welcome I can stick this in my projects page.
We have about a 30cm drop to the patio/ground level from our patio doors. So got me thinking of running a decking of sorts below the 30cm planning limit and having a hot tub, below deck level with some sort of gas spring hatch.
The question is should I get a large normal tub and mod it or dig nearly another 40cm to get it that deep. I guess I would need to have 50cm either side for maintenance etc. Or should I get one of those open water tanks?
All ideas are welcome I can stick this in my projects page.